- 提出一种基于分形理论和BP 神经网络的航空遥感图像有监督分类方法。该方法尝试将航空图像 的光谱信息和纹理特征相结合。它首先将彩色航空图像由RGB 格式转化为HSI 格式,然后,根据亮度计算分 数维、多重分形广义维数谱q-D( q) 和“空隙”等基于分形的纹理特征,同时加入归一化的色度和饱和度作为光 谱特征,采用BP 神经网络作为分类器。通过对彩色航空图像的分类实验,结果证实该方法行之有效。-Based on fractal theory and BP neural network
- 本文主要介绍在PCI图像采集系统的基上,由B超序列图像重建出全方61 t4型心动图。通过梯度算法、曲线拟合算法等图像处理技术获得心动图波形函数,采用自回归谱估计分析获得较为满意的结果。谱分析方法为心脏病的临床诊断提供了一种新的方法。 -This paper mainly introduces the PCI-based image acquisition system, the B-sequence of images from the reconstruction of a full si
- Feature extraction is a key issue in contentbased image retrieval (CBIR). In the past, a number of texture features have been proposed in literature, including statistic methods and spectral methods. However, most of them are not able to accu
- Spatial registration of multidate or multisensor images is required for many applications in remote sensing, such as change detection, the construction of image mosaics, DEM generation from stereo pairs, and orthorectifi cation. Registration
- 提供一种稳健的高光谱图像压缩技术,在matlab6.5进行仿真实验。-Provide a robust high-spectral image compression technology, the simulation matlab6.5.
- 高光谱遥感图像光谱解混的独立成分分析技术。-Independent component analysis of hyperspectral remote sensing image spectral unmixing techniques.
- 本文首先对数字全息技术的记录和再现的基本原理、数值重建算法、频谱滤波方法,数字全息图的记录条件、再现光场的分离条件等基本问题进行了分析讨论-Firstly, the basic principle of the recording and reproducing of the digital holography, numerical reconstruction algorithm, the spectral filtering method, the digital hologram rec
- We compare the energy efficiency of some transmission schemes in wireless sensor networks. By constraining the system to end-to-end throughput requirements, we assume that the nodes in multi-hop and cooperative schemes operate at a spectral e
- 本文主要介绍了常用的遥感图像算法,然后从数学角度分析融合图像产生光谱失真的原因,并探讨融合图像在空间分辨率增强与光谱信息保持二者之间的关系,最后针对多光谱图像的成像特性,分别提出了基于区域特性的多光谱与全色图像的融合算法及SAR与全色图像的融合算法,并且介绍了基于区域特性的遥感图像融合最新动态及其发展趋势。-This paper describes the algorithm used for remote sensing image, and then fused image from a m
- The use of near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging and hyperspectral image analysis for distinguishing between hard, intermediate and soft maize kernels from inbred lines was evaluated. NIR hyperspectral images of two sets (12 and 24 kernels) o
- 文章拟采用机油和油菜的高光谱图像数据为具体对象,分别从光谱特性分析和图像特性分析两个角度,采用流形学习方法探索一种从非线性高光谱图像数据中提取低维本质信息的方法,结合支持向量机、线性判别分析等模式识别方法建立机油品种和油菜品种的识别模型 -Article intends to adopt oil and rapeseed hyperspectral image data for a specific object, respectively, from the spectral chara
- 以多光谱数据为原始数据,通过空间变换、滤波、融合、纹理及图像处理等手段,提取遥感图像多维、多尺度特征,最终建立面向目标检测、识别和分析的特征空间,并使用NASA的实测数据对方法的性能进行验证和分析。-Multi-spectral data to the original data, through space conversion, filtering tools, integration, texture and image processing, remote sensing images
- 模糊分析的方法是用均一表面不确定性对原始图像进行模糊纹理滤波, 在滤波图像上计算空间均一不确定性,对不确定性进行模糊纹理光谱分析, 其光谱曲线直观地反映了多光谱遥感图像的纹理特征 通过采用不同的测量窗口,在不同的类别提取纹理样品进行实验。研究结果表明:多光谱遥感图像在小区域纹理特征不稳定,不同波段的纹理特征不同,不同类别的最小测量区域不同 模糊纹理分析的方法可用于图像分割。-Fuzzy analysis is to use a uniform surface uncertainty on the
- This study proposes a novel near infrared face recognition algorithm based on a combination of both local and global features. In this method local features are extracted from partitioned images by means of undecimated discrete wavelet transform
- spectral clustering ensemble to SAR image segmentation.
- 语音信号的频谱分析 利用FIR数字滤波器对语音信号进行滤波 语音信号处理初步-回声估计和回声消除 数字图像处理算法初步-Spectral analysis of speech signal Using FIR digital filter to filter the speech signal Processing of speech signal initial echo estimation and echo cancellation Digital image pr
- 本文提出了一个修正的谱共轭梯度算法,并用于图像恢复当中。-This paper proposes a modified spectral conjugate gradient algorithm, and used for image restoration.
- 粒子图像分割及匹配均为自行编制的子例程,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率,计算目标和海洋回波的功率谱密度。- Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency, Calculating a target and ocean echo po
- 用于图像处理的独立分量分析,现代信号处理中谱估计在matlab中的使用,基于互功率谱的时延估计。- Independent component analysis for image processing, Modern signal processing used in the spectral estimation in matlab, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum.
What is a spectral image
- What is a spectral image? 5 multiple choice questions