- 本手册提供指导和建议,使您能够成功地建立一个团队开发环境并且工作于其中。 如果您正要开始一个.NET团队开发项目,首先需要了解在一个团队开发环境中如何完成开发过程。需要知道如何设置并且使用Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET集成开发环境(IDE)提供的团队开发特性,并且还需要掌握相关开发技巧(例如如何正确地设置组件引用),开发团队成员们将遵循这些技巧以保证团队工作能顺利开展。 -the manual to provide guidance and ad
- 在FPGA系统设计中,要达到性能最大化需要平衡具有混合性能效率的元器件,包括逻辑构造(fabric)、片上存储器、DSP和I/O带宽。在本文中,我将向你解释怎样能在追求更高系统级性能的过程中受益于Xilinx® 的Virtex™ -5 FPGA构建模块,特别是新的ExpressFabric™ 技术。以针对逻辑和算术功能的量化预期性能改进为例,我将探究ExpressFabric架构的主要功能。基于实际客户设计的基准将说明Virtex-5ExpressFabric技术性能平
- Introduction to the MSN Messenger Activity SDK --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- The MSN® Messenger Activity software development kit (SDK) contains technical information about how to develop and test single-user and multiuser applications
- Interfacing the ADSP-BF535/ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Processor to NTSC/PAL video decoder over the asynchronous port-B lackfin
- 在 Visual Studio .NET 中使用 SQL Server 2000 生成数据库应用程序.Matt Mannion 和 Jon Rauschenberger Clarity Consulting Inc. 适用于: Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET -in Visual Studio.NET using SQL Server 2000 generat
- MT9p031 手册 • Micron® DigitalClarity™ imaging technology • High frame rate • Superior low-light performance • Low dark current • Global reset release, which starts the exposure of all rows simultaneously
- 安全配置向导 (SCW) 可以缩小受攻击面,用于带 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 的 Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 家族成员。SCW 确定服务器的一个或多个角色所需的最少功能,并禁用不必要的功能。 -Security Configuration Wizard (SCW) will be reduced by the attack surface for with Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Microsoft ? Windo
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- BusyBox 是很多标准 Linux® 工具的一个单个可执行实现。BusyBox 包含了一些简单的工具,本文将探索 BusyBox 的目标,它是如何工作的,以及为什么它对于内存有限的环境来说是如此重要。-BusyBox is a lot of standard tools for Linux ® to achieve a single executable. BusyBox contains simple tools, this article will explore the
- 文章名称:《使用Visual Studio® .NET和Visual SourceSafeTM进行团队开发》 本手册为开发团队的领导者、普通开发人员、测试团队成员和系统管理员提供指导。如果您计划或者是正在开发一个基于团队的.NET开发项目,请阅读本手册。-Article Title: "Using Visual Studio ® . NET and Visual SourceSafeTM for team development," This manual for the
- SimEvents® extends Simulink® with tools for discrete-event simulation of the transactions between components in a system architecture. You can use the architecture model to analyze performance characteristics such as end-to-end latencies, t
- VERDE –Visualizing Energy Resources Dynamically on Earth, takes advantage of the Google Earth® platform to display spatiotemporally informed power grid and related data. Custom libraries describe the electrical transmission network in the Easter
- 本教程举例说明了如何使用 ADO 编程模型对数据源进行查询及更新。教程首先讲述了完成此项任务的必要步骤,然后分别通过 Microsoft® Visual Basic、以 VC++ Extensions 为特征的 Microsoft® Visual C++、Microsoft® Visual Basic® 、scr ipting Edition 和以 ADO for Windows Foundation Classes (ADO/WFC) 为特征的 Microsoft&re
- function [a_width-1 : 0] DWF_div_uns // Function to compute the unsigned quotient // synopsys map_to_operator DIV_UNS_OP // synopsys return_port_name QUOTIENT input [a_width-1 : 0] A input [b_width-1 : 0] B reg [a_width
- an introduction to wavelets -Wavelets are mathematical functions that cut up data into di® erent frequency components, and then study each component with a resolution matched to its scale. They have advantages over traditional Fourier method
- Spatial registration of multidate or multisensor images is required for many applications in remote sensing, such as change detection, the construction of image mosaics, DEM generation from stereo pairs, and orthorectifi cation. Registration
- 能力成熟度整合模式 (Capability Maturity Model® Integration,CMMI® )是一個針對產品與服務發展的流 程改善成熟度模式。它包含發展與維護活動的最佳 執行方法,涵蓋產品從起始到交付與維護的生命週 期。-Capability Maturity Model Integration (Capability Maturity Model ® Integration, CMMI ® ) is a product and s
- Hittite 频综HMC830LP6GE的寄存器配置工具,包括寄存器写入顺序和算法都在里面,只要输入蓝色部分的期望数据, 就能自动生成所有寄存器的值以及顺序-The register configuration tools, including Hittite frequency synthesizer HMC830LP6GE register write sequence and algorithms are in there, as long as the input to the b
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- hasp usb emulator 1. Dump dongle with PVA 3.3 util with out Brute WP selected. 2. Solve the DMP file using f1_nodongle (10x to cEnginEEr) util, you should get XXXX.SSP file (~100kb). 3. Use UniDumpToReg util to convert the SSP to REG. Inside UniDumpT