- 基于网络的视频监控系统 随着时代的发展,人们对安全防范也越来越重视,而数字化视频监控系统在音视频录像、报警录像联动、硬盘存储、多画面显示等方面都有突出表现,因此在安防领域逐渐占有了一席之地。本文提出的基于网络的视频监控系统实现了对数字硬盘录像机的控制功能,其远程客户端软件可以同时播放四路具有高达Dl分辨率的图像数据。 第一章论述了视频监控系统和数据压缩技术的发展动态。 第二章对客户端软件的开发环境及平台进行了选择,并就其中使用的关键技术:windows sockets编程技术、
WM Recorder 注册机
- 如果已经安装好了vobsub,就可以运用vobsub里面带的字幕提取工具vsrip提取字幕。 打开VobSub程序组,运行vobsub.configure,点击Open来打开vts_01_0.ifo文件(此文件已经拷贝到硬盘上,无需从光盘上找),选定放置字幕文件的子目录,点击确定.提取完成之后会生成Vts_01_0.sub和vts_01_0.idx两个字幕文件,若按照DVDrip的做法是在最终视频文件生成之后,将字幕文件更名并与主体一致,但在此这个步骤被提前了,因为real格式文件的字幕是嵌
- AMP stands for Advanced Media Protocol. AMP commands are a list of commands specified in the “Video Disk Recorder Command and Control Specification” from Odetics Broadcast Corporation as well as new and extended commands added by Grass Valley.
- Designed to meet the demands of the video broadcast industry, Advanced Media Protocol (AMP) is based on an amalgamation of digital video technology expertise and experience in control and automation of video systems. AMP at a Glance provides a high
- DM365 Digital Video Recorder Reference Design
- 主要应用电视和录像录音机控制器,烟火警报系统-The main application of television and video recorder controller,Smoke alarm system
- 监控专用硬盘比较:DVR专用硬盘的设计是为了满足数字硬盘录像机对系统数据和数字图像信息的存储要求-Monitor the dedicated hard: DVR-specific hard drive is designed to meet the storage requirements of the Digital Video Recorder system data and digital image information
- Hai kang SDK development guide is used to develop application terminal, the platform is a disk video recorder, naval and air interface are supplied with hai kang, developers can interface can be developed according to the manual