- 基站电源的日常维护与管理 蓄电池是基站电源系统的重要组成部分,其运行的稳定与否直接关系着通信网络的畅通和安全,因此建立完善的电源维护体系刻不容缓。 目前,基站电源配套的蓄电池大多是先进的阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池,这种电池的每节单体电压一般有2V、6V和12V三种,在使用时将多节单体串连,组成48V的蓄电池组。在对电源系统可靠性要求较高的场合,一般采用两组蓄电池并联运行的方式 -The base station power supply daily maintenance and ma
- A Fast Voltage Security Assessment Method Using Adaptive Bounding
- 电工资料大全--电工手册(1768页) 本手册的主要内容包括:电工常用符号和计量单位、电工识图、电工基础知识、电工常用仪表及工具、电工测量、电工材料、变压器、电动机、电气控制、高压配电、低压配电、电气照明、安全用电、电子技术基础知识等内容。 -Electrical Sourcebook- Electrical Manual (1768) The main content of this manual include: electrical symbols and common units
- 高级智能家居系统方案,整个系统只须一条scs—bus双绞线,没有大量的电缆附设和繁杂的控制设计,采用27V安全低电压供电方式,安全可靠,操作方便。系统构成:灯光控制子系统、窗帘控制子系统、温度控制子系统、背景音乐子系统、对讲控制子系统、安全报警子系统、远程网络通讯子系统等。-Advanced smart home system solutions, the entire system only a scs-bus twisted pair cables attached and without
Optimal stochastic reactive power scheduling in a microgrid considering voltage droop scheme of DGs and uncertainty of w
- Distributed Generators (DGs) in a microgrid may operate in three different reactive power control strategies, including PV, PQ and voltage droop schemes. This paper proposes a new stochastic programming approach for reactive power scheduling of a mic
- For the purpose of explaining the security monitoring function, it is expedient to classify the infinite number of possible operating conditions of a power system in terms of security. For this purpose observe that the power system should satisfy the
- 南瑞国网充电桩ESAM芯片资料。 充电桩安全模块,简称桩内ESAM(Embedded Secure Access Module,嵌入式安全 控制模块),具有普遍安全应用价值的嵌入式数据安全产品。硬件集成有国密算法 SM1 单元、硬件随机数发生器、电压和频率检测等多种安全性保护机制,可有效保证传输数 据的机密性和完整性。 -NARI national network of charging pile ESAM chip information. Charging pile secu
- A combination of genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization for optimal DG location and sizing in distribution systems Distributed generation (DG) sources are becoming more prominent in distribution systems due to the incremental dema
Dynamical behavior and application in Josephson Junction coupled by memristor
- With the burst of a Wanna decryptor [1] in the middle of 2017, secure communication within a network [2] has again triggered the considerable attention. Meanwhile, many feasible methods have been proposed to enhance the data security and it is also