- De-interleaver does the opposite to the interleaver put at the transmitter part. This includes two level of de-interleaving. WiMAX includes this interleaving in it physical layer.
- 本文提 出了基于功率预留的准入控制策略。首先介绍一种资源分配算法,该算法将可用信 道完全分配从而实现基站发射功率最小化。在此基础上,分别为小区间切换用户和 小区内切换用户设计预留策略,并根据系统的业务载荷自适应地调整功率预留量, 从而实现GOS的最优化。 -there exists a fundamental tradeoff between bandwidth and power. In this thesis, we propose a novel admission
- 本文正是在研究WIMAX/802.16e协议和FMIPv6协议的基础之 上,提出了基于FMIPv6的WIMAX网络快速切换机制,该方案采用跨 层切换的思想,MAC层联合网络层同时进行切换,在链路尚未断开 之前即完成新转交地址(NCOA)获取等功能,从而加快了切换进程, 减小了切换时延和切换时的丢包率。在提出本切换机制的基础上,本 文在NSZ仿真平台上对所提出的切换方案做了系统性的性能仿真,通 过仿真结果验证了方案的可行性和优越性。 - In this paper
- 因此,本文在分析IEEE 802.16标准和WiMAX网络架构的基础上,研究基于 WiMAX技术宽带无线网络下的切换策略,以提高WiMAX系统的性能。 -the first stage. Based on the analysis of IEEE 802.16 standard and AMAX network architecture, the handover mechanism for broadband wireless network based on AMAX tec
- 本文在研究IEEE802.16e协议和SIP协议的基础上,提出了利用 SIP解决IEEE802.16接入网络中端到端切换的新方案。该方案采用跨 层切换的设计思想,联合MAC层和应用层SIP协议,在底层链路切换 的同时,完成应用层会话的修改,加快了切换过程,减少了切换时延, 提高了切换成功率。本文基于NS2仿真平台,完成了相应的仿真平台 搭建过程,实现了SIP协议模块和WiMAX协议模块的融合,扩展了SIP 协议模块的部分消息,最终在基于SIP协议模块和WiMAX协议的统
- 老外写的在WiMAX中的关于中继分配的论文,希望对大家有帮助-Written by foreigners in the allocation of WiMAX in the paper on the relay, we want to help
- thesis to implement all compulsory features of the WiMAX OFDM physical layer specified in IEEE 802.16-2004 in Matlab Simulink. Optional space-time coding for more than one transmit antenna is implemented to allow performance investigations in v
- This document presents about RELAY TECHNOLOGIES in LTE and WiMAX include CODE MATLAB
- In this book the wimax 4G was introduced with many programs and simulation in matlab code.-In this book the wimax 4G was introduced with many programs and simulation in matlab code.
- OFDM仿真文档,有发射机,接收机,信道,附件有matlab仿真代码-Fixed Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) is a promising technology which can offer high speed voice, video and data service up to the customer end. Due to the absence of any standard sp
- MIMO-OFDM is a key technology for next-generation cellular communications (3GPP-LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT-Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB-OFDM), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). This book provides a
- Matlab simulation for drawing the BER plot of the WiMAX turbo code, using either the BCJR algorithm or the fully-parallel algorithm. Copyright (C) 2013 Robert G. Maunder The simulation can be started by running the main.m scr ipt. This can