- MIT开源移动web项目相关文档,有一定的参考意义。(4-2)-Find out what MIT has been doing to help facilitate the integration of mobile Devices into the Role of Education. How we are showcasing the iPhone to release an integrated mobile web Site (m.mit.edu) to assist with bas
- MIT开源移动web项目相关文档,有一定的参考意义。(4-3)-Find out what MIT has been doing to help facilitate the integration of mobile Devices into the Role of Education. How we are showcasing the iPhone to release an integrated mobile web Site (m.mit.edu) to assist with bas
- MIT开源移动web项目相关文档,有一定的参考意义。(4-4)-Find out what MIT has been doing to help facilitate the integration of mobile Devices into the Role of Education. How we are showcasing the iPhone to release an integrated mobile web Site (m.mit.edu) to assist with bas
- 随着移动通信技术的发展和移动终端性能的提高,移动通信网络提供流媒体服务已经成为可能。分析移动流媒体网络传输协议和H.264视频编码格式特点,参照802.11标准,提出移动流媒体客户端的总体架构,并针对windows mobile平台特点予以实现。移动流媒体客户端可以运行在无线局域网中,主要由网络模块、解码模块和音视频回放模块组成。网络模块以动态库的方式实现RTP/RTCP/RTSP网络协议,采用消息队列的设计模式提高网络模块的效率 H.264与AMR解码模块由PC向嵌入式平台移植并作相应的封装
- This article is helpful for windows mobile, Smart Device application developers, regarding how to integrate help files programmatically to a targeted device. To develop help files, we have to follow some steps which I have described below.-This artic