- 我自己的学习经验,和大家交流一下,大家有事和我联系啊-my own learning experiences, and exchange and can link emergency and I ah
- 摘 要:VB程序设计的教学可分为设计程序界面和编写程序代码两大部分,教学目标是学生能够利用VB语言设计简单、实用的可视化应用程序,培养学生的编程兴趣和编程能力,为今后学习其他课程打下良好的基础。我所带班级主要是5年制大专班的学生,从现状来看,这些学生存在着好、较好和一般三个层次。在教学过程中应把握住这三个层次,根据学生的心理特点和个别差异,进行分层教学,做到有的放矢,充分调动每个学生的学习积极性。 -Abstract : VB program design can be divided in
- 网络工程师学习笔记,以前考软供的时候用的就是这个,希望对其他人能有所帮助-network engineers study notes that in the past for soft-examination when this is the hope that others can be helped
- 一个不错的ARM入门建议,51是一个基础,而且还很重要,这是再我看了ARM之后感觉到的。它可以加速你的ARM学习速度,真得!不相信你试一试好了-A good entry-ARM suggested that 51 is a basis, and very important, it is no longer felt after I read the ARM. It can speed up your learning speed ARM, really! Do not believe that
- 怎样成为单片机高手,不管出于什么原因学习单片机,成为单片机高手几乎可以说是每一个认真学单片机高手的愿望。本文介绍单片机高手的秘诀 -How to become a single-chip players, no matter what the reasons for learning single-chip, to become a master single-chip can be said that almost every serious study of the aspiration
- 如果你想成为高手,那么你可以按本文循序渐进地学习,同时在实际项目中反复思考,相信有朝一日你会成为C++高手。-If you want to become a master, then you can learn step by step according to this article, while the actual project repeatedly thinking, I believe that one day you will become a C++ expert.
- 如何通向成功的路途,学习 学习成功人士,我们才能成功-How the road to success, learn from successful people, we can successfully
- 伟大的美国开国元勋,富兰克林的自传,被认为美国的精神领袖,200年后的我们仍然可以学习他的那种自制和勤奋-Great American founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin' s autobiography, is considered the spiritual leader of the United States, 200 years later, we can still learn from his house and hard work tha
- 这是本人学习VC时候记录的一些使用技巧,希望对大家能有帮助-This is my time to record the number of VC learning tips, hope we can help
- SOPC Builder_Nios学习经验总结,从别人的经验里可以学到很多东西,少走弯路。-SOPC Builder_Nios learning lessons learned from the experience of others where you can learn a lot and avoid detours.
- 这是关于c语言学习的经验,其中包括两个txt文档很方便下载,可以在手机上看,写的很好,值得看看。-This is about c language learning experience, including two txt documents easily download, you can watch on the phone, write well, worth a look.
- 电子实习的相关课件,可以通过它学习multisim的使用-Practice-related electronic courseware, you can use it to learn multisim
- 是人,就具有其独特的思维习惯,一旦具有思维习惯,其所想到的,所写到的,所说到的,必然是基于其信息的输入经过思维模式的加工形成的。这种选择性的获取外界信息,具有独特性的思维模式必然会造成所谓的“一家之言”。在现代这种信息泛滥的时代,谁的话可以听,谁的话需要认真听,谁的话要怎么听,便成了一个困扰我们的难题。我们既不能全盘接受,也不能完全否定。那么有什么办法可以让我们既可以看到别人思维中的闪光点,看到别人由于其专业背景所提出的建设性的意见,而又不至于被人牵着鼻子走呢?《学会提问——批判性思维指南》给了
- 李开复自传,大家可以认真阅读学习,希望对大家有帮助。-Kai-fu Lee autobiography, we can read to learn, we want to help.
- 运用到缠师理论的学习掌握上,自明诚一派多是指对股票理论有一种穷究其道之瘾,各家各派无不涉 猎之人。其中喜好研究市场结构、市场能量、股价轨迹者会对缠师理论一见倾心,他们会对老师的理论视 若至宝,但有时因其内心的正人君子意象而对老师的419 一类术语产生反感;或者因追求确定之道而无法 接受老师彻底的顺势而为交易理念而放弃,或者为老师的几何语言所扰而无法深入下去。。。。。最终均无缘 习得!-Applied to wrapped around the division theory of
- 这是亲自整理的一些c++的一些经验和总结,希望大家能够相互学习,多多指点-This is some sort of c++ myself some experience and summary, hope everyone can learn from each other, and great advice
- 我希望这些建议和想法能对正在未来之路上跋涉的你们有所启发,能对你们目前的学习有所帮助。或许因为观点不同、人各有志,或许因为忠言逆耳,这封信可能无法为每一位同学所接受-I hope these suggestions and ideas to inspire you are the future of the journey on the road, it can be helpful to your learning. Perhaps because of the different point
- 这是一篇关于JAVA学习的书籍,对于初学JAVA还在迷茫的人以指引,可以使大家在最短的时间内找到方向。-This is a study on the JAVA books for beginner JAVA still lost to the guidelines, so that we can to find a direction in the shortest possible time.
- 该压缩包包括了许多简历指导文档资料,同学们可从中学习到简历填写的经验。-The package includes a number of resume guidance documents, students can learn the experience of the resume fill.
- 该压缩包包括了许多简历指导文档资料,同学们可从中学习到简历填写的经验。-The package includes a number of resume guidance documents, students can learn the experience of the resume fill.