- 本工具支持各种串口设置,如波特率,校验位、数据位和停止位等等。支持ASCII/Hex发送,发送和接收的数据可以在16进制和ASCII码之间任意转换。可以自动在发送的数据尾部增加校验位,支持多种校验格式。支持间隔发送,循环发送,批处理发送,输入数据可以从外部文件导入-The tool supports a variety of serial port settings, such as baud rate, parity bit, data bits and stop bits and so on
- A simple example of using the keypad library for mikroC PRO for PIC. It supports keypads with 1..4 rows and 1..4 columns. The code being returned by the Keypad_Key_Press() or Keypad_Key_Click() functions is in range from 1..16. In this exam
- ModScan应用程序作为一个MODBUS mastermodbus_protocol设备进行操作 RTU或ASCII传输模式。ModScan可以用来访问 和修改数据点包含在一个或多个MODBUS奴隶设备 连接到电脑通过一个串行拖入加时 -The ModScan application operates as a MODBUS mastermodbus_protocol device in either RTU or ASCII transmission m
- ascii_8*16,this is a ascii ziku 8*16 form web,for tft.and readme.just for share for free.by c/C++.-this is a ascii ziku 8*16 form web,for tft.and readme.just for share for free.by c/C++.