- ST7787 芯片的SPEC,比亚迪2.4inchLCM的SPEC。The ST7787 is a single-chip controller/driver for 262K-color, graphic type TFT-LCD. It consists of 720 source line and 320 gate line driving circuits. This chip is capable of connecting directly to an external micr
- 基于ARM的CAN总线照明控制系统设计,主要采用了主从CAN节点进行网络通信,对照明等设备的定时开关控制。实验中,采用1个主节点,2个从节点进行实验。主节点采用LPC2119处理器和2.8寸TFT,从节点采用STC89C52作为处理器,SJA1000CAN从控制器-The design of intelligent lighting control system based on CAN bus
- MINI-STM32 Manual STM32F103RBT6(development board ) with 2.8" TFT-module
- 基于STM32的压力监控项目,配有2.8寸TFT显示屏,可以实时监控压力曲线,带有数据库功能-Based on the STM32 pressure monitoring project, with 2.8-inch TFT display, real-time monitoring of the pressure curve with database functions
- The MST717 is a highquality ASIC for NTSC / P AL car TV application. It receives analog NTSC / P AL CVBS and S-V ideo inputs from TV tuners, DVD or VCR sources, including weak and distorted signals, as well as analog RGB input from GPS systems.