- The RTL8192SE is an 802.11n single band (2.4GHz) 2T2R MAC/BB/RF in a single chip. The RTL8196B is a 5-port 10/100Mbps Ethernet switch embedded with a high performance 32-bit RISC CPU. The high integration of both chips provides a very competitive AP/
- 本文介绍了基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA) 的以太网MAC 子层协议的硬件实现方法. 硬件结构上由控制模 块、发送模块和接收模块3个部分组成,发送模块和接收模块采用状态机控制数据发送和接收的过程,完成数据的封装、发送和接收功能.-This article describes the field programmable gate array-based (FPGA) Ethernet MAC sub-layer protocol of the hardware implementation. H
- 帧是在数据链路层数据进行传输与交换的基本单位。构造帧对于理解网络协议的概念、协议执行过程以及网络问题处理的一般方法具有重要的意义。本次课程设计的目的是应用数据链路层与介质访问控制层的知识,根据数据链路层的基本原理,通过构造一个具体的Ethernet帧,从而深入理解网络协议的基本概念与网络问题处理的一般方法-Frame is the data link layer data transmission and exchange of the basic unit. Frame structure f
- This application note begins with an overview of AFDX and ARINC 664. Following the overview is an explanation of how engineers could implement an AFDX-compliant interface (ARINC 664, Part 7) using Actel devices and intellectual property. Core10/1
- 关于千兆以太网的硕士论文,一边的mac层,一边是ahb总线slave接口。写的非常好。-Master s thesis on Gigabit Ethernet, while the mac layer, one side is ahb bus slave interface. Write very well.
- ENC28J60_f .data sheet . Stand-Alone Ethernet Controller with SPI Interface. IEEE 802.3 compatible Ethernet controller.Integrated MAC and 10BASE-T Supports Full and Half-Duplex modes. SPI Interface with clock speeds up to 20 MHz.
- DE2开发板例程源码,FPGA:EP2C35F256C6,代码基于quartus II 9.0以上的版本(随板光盘的为7.2的版本,在9.0以上的版本上编译通不过会报错)。该代码主要功能为FPGA对以太网通信,与PC机通信-In this demonstration, we will show how to send and receive Ethernet packets using the Fast Ethernet controller on DE2 board. We use the
- 该文档详细描述了以太网mac层的功能与实现,里面包括了verilog程序-The document describes in detail and implementation of Ethernet MAC layer functions, which includes the Verilog program
- W5500电路图、W5500模块原理图_核心板图,最高80MHz,SPI接口-The W5500 chip is a Hardwired TCP/IP embedded Ethernet controller that provides easier Internet connection to embedded systems. W5500 enables users to have the Internet connectivity in their applications jus