- Sallen-Key filter was used in shaping of nuclear pulses and, with few stages of filters it was possible to reach the Gaussian waveform output. The characteristics of the shaped circuit base in Sallen-Key low pass filter were simulated and the opt
- 卡尔曼滤波从与被提取信号有关的量测量中通过算法估计出所需信号。卡尔曼滤波处理有几个特点:(1)卡尔曼滤波处理的对象是随机信号;(2)被处理信号无有用和干扰之分,滤波的目的是要估计出所有被处理信号;确切的说卡尔曼滤波应称作最优估计理论;就实现形式而言,卡尔曼滤波器实质上是一套由数字计算机实现的递推算法。量测量可看作卡尔曼滤波器的输入,估计值可看作输出-Kalman filtering from the measurement of the quantity relating to the sign
- 采用卡尔曼滤波器对系统的俯仰角、 滚转角和航向角的误差进行最优估计;设计数据融合的判别准则,并根据判据的判断结果调整卡尔曼 滤波器中的量测信息,使系统可用于小型无人机的定高自主飞行-Kalman filter system pitch angle, roll angle and yaw angle error optimal estimation design data fusion criterion, and adjust according to the criterion of
- 提出了一种基于粒子滤波的自适应运动目标跟踪方法。均值漂移算法是一种最优梯度下降法,通过 迭代来搜索目标,从而实现对运动目标的跟踪。-Adaptive moving target tracking method based on particle filter. The mean-shift algorithm is an optimal gradient descent method, through an iterative search for the target in order t
- optimal pi controller for active filter
- 以最优Bayesian滤波的求解为起点 ,综述了粒子滤波的发展历程、基本思想、算法的各个基本环节、基本的滤波算法及其收敛性以及算法的多种重要衍变形式 。-Solving an optimal Bayesian filtering as a starting point, an overview of the development process of particle filter, the basic idea of all the basic aspects o
- 软限幅效应,量化阶数及取样间隔对直扩数字匹配滤性能的影响 郭南1996 本文以典型的AID变换量化器和改进型抖动噪声量化器为倒t研究几个数字化参数对 直接序列扩频(DS/SS)数字匹配滤渡/相关性能(系统的处理增益和误比特率)的影响,给出理论分 析及计算机模拟结果 用最优化方法研究最佳软限幅问题;指出增加量化比特数与引入抖动噪声 相比能更有救地改善系统性能,而且只要采用三比特的量化就能使系统性能接近无穷量他的效 果.文中还讨论了取洋间隔以及噪声的归一化带宽对系统性能的影响。本
- (C-UKF)利用共识协议并将它应用于最优滤波器的非线性状态空间模型-Nonlinear state space model (C-UKF) and applies it to take advantage of the consensus agreement of the optimal filter
- time-invariant degradation models and stationary signals and noise, the classical Fourier domain Wiener filter, which can be implemented in O(N logN) time, gives the minimum mean-square-error estimate of the original undistorted signal. For t
- 基于优化无迹卡尔曼滤波的电网动态谐波检测,可用于电能质量分析。-Dynamic harmonic detection of power system based on optimal non trace Calman filter,can be used for power quality analysis
- In the existing bilateral filtering algorithm, the domain parameters and range parameters need to be predefined. Parameters of a bilateral filter are fixed and cannot guarantee to be optimal. A new adaptive bilateral filtering (ABF) is proposed i
- 针对小型无人机在无卫星导航信号条件下的导航问题, 结合光流及地标定位设计了使用摄像头、惯性测量器件、超声测距仪等传感器融合的无人机室内导航方法. 文章使用补偿角速率的光流微分法计算帧间像素点小位移, 并用前后误差算法提取精度较高的点, 避免像素点跟踪错误, 提高了光流测速的精度 对得到的光流场用均值漂移算法进行寻优, 得到光流场直方图峰值, 以此计算光流速度. 本文提出了无累积误差的连续地标定位算法, 实时测量无人机位置. 通过多速率卡尔曼滤波器对观测周期不一致的位置、速度信息进行最优估计. 在