- 提出了一种利用肤色信息,建立 YCbCr 肤色模型空间作为人脸检测的预处理手段,利用小波分解和 BP 神经网络作为检测方法。对算法进行仿真验证,实验结果表明:该肤色模型空间 对光线、遮挡以及姿 态 有很好的 robust 特性 ;本检测方法达到较好的检测效果。 关键词 : 小波分解;神经网络;亮度补偿-Skin color model based on an oval face detection method
- 基于肤色的人脸定位检查系统设计,实现人脸检测-Face localization based on skin color inspection system design, implementation, Face Detection
- This a two stage method in which at first image RGB compensated and then converted to YCbCr to normalise overall illumination of image.Its cascaded implementation of section 2.A of paper "A FAST SKIN REGION DETECTOR" by Phil Chen, Dr.Christos Greecos
- 自适应人体肤色检测中的若干关键技术研究 人体的皮肤颜色是人体的一个重要特征,肤色检测被广泛的应用于人脸跟踪、人脸 检测、手语识别、敏感图像过滤等领域中,具有重要的理论研究意义和实际应用价值。 -Adaptive skin color detection of a number of key technologies in human skin color is an important feature of the human body, skin detection has bee
- skin detection algorithm
- This paper presents a new human skin color model in YCbCr color space and its application to human face detection. Skin colors are modeled by a set of three Gaussian clusters, each of which is characterized by a centroid and a covariance matr
- 本文提出了一种肤色分割与Adaboost 人脸检测相结合的方法.-In this paper, a combination of a skin color segmentation Adaboost face detection methods.
- 基于梯度方向直方图( H OG) 特征的行人检测是目前检测精度较高的主流方法。针对基于梯度直方图特征的 行人检测存在检测精度还有待提高、向量维数大的问题, 提出使用梯度直方图统计特征加颜色频率和肤色特征描述行 人, 选取一些分类能力较强的block 作为最后的特征, 使用线性SVM 分类。在INRIA 库上的实验证明, 该方法能有效地 提高检测精度。-H istog r am o f or iented g radient( H OG) based on pedestr ian de
- skin detection with the image that I worked with
- face detection color skin based algorithm
- In this paper we present the usefulness of the algorithm DCT (Discrete cosine Transform) blocks applied level image compression JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Goup). It has been shown that this algorithm is the most efficient in the case of compres
- 介绍了一种新的基于肤色模型的人脸检测算法,给出了具体的参数,可直接在已有模型上进行改进。-We introduce a new model based on skin color face detection algorithm, given the specific parameters can be modified directly on the existing model.
- face detection matlab based skin color
- occurrence of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is usually related to nocturnal, unmonitored seizures [1]. The vast majority of seizures are associated with a heart rate increase [2], which can, in turn, be used for seizure detection
- The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for skin detection. This file helps identify the presence of a human face, hand or any other body part by identifying and marking skin-like pixels within a given image.