- 此书提供了Enterprise Service Bus(企业服务总线)体系结构的概览,展示了如何使用事件驱动的面向服务的体系架构,集成建立在J2EE, .NET, C/C++,java以及其它环境下的企业应用和服务。-book provides Enterprise Service Bus (Enterprise Service Bus) Aggregate conformation overview, demonstrated how the use of event-driven servi
- 这是一个单片机总线开发板的电路原理图,包括485,CAN总线,单片机采用STC12C5A60S2-This is a single chip bus development board of the circuit schematic, including the 485, CAN bus, the SCM STC12C5A60S2
- DS18B20世界上第一片支持 “一线总线”接口的温度传感器,“一线器件”体积更小、适用电压更宽、更经济。可以程序设定9-12位的分辨率,精度0.5。-DS18B20 one the world' s first to support the " bus line" interface of the temperature sensor, " front-line device" smaller and wider application of volt
- 基于 PCI 总线接口的 CompuS,cope82G 型高速数据采集卡和 Visual C++编程工具的快速虚拟示波器试验系统,该系统集波形采集、数据分析、输出、显示为一体。 -Based on the PCI bus interface CompuS, cope82G high-speed data acquisition card and Visual C++ programming tool for rapid virtual oscilloscope test system, w
- 介绍了一种嵌入于单片机的 Web 服务器的设计过程, 给出了单片机控制下的网络控制器RTL8019AS 硬件平台的设计, 精简的 TCP/IP 协议栈通过 LAN 访问 Internet 的应用方案。同时简明介绍了实时内核 C/OS- II 对整个系统的管理方案, 完成了对连接在系统 I/O 总线上的现有设备的监控。-This paper introduces a Web server embedded in the microcontroller design process is given
- 关于一些can总线实现的论文,包括原理图,以及部分C语言程序,以及原理的概述。-The bus can be achieved on a number of papers, including schematics, as well as some C language program, as well as the principles are summarized below. More
- 该程序是经过精心思考,艰苦调试,得到的关于AVR单片机TWI总线的程序,本例为访问PCF8563为例,中断程序坚实可靠,以此献给大家,渴望参加程序员联盟。-The program was carefully thought, hard to debug, get on the AVR microcontroller TWI bus program, in this case as an example to access PCF8563 interrupt program a solid and
- 使用IIC总线方式,写一个字节到24C02,C语言写的-write a byte to 24C02 use IIC bus,with C language
- DS18B20数字温度计是DALLAS公司生产的1-Wire,即单总线器件,具有线路简单,体积小的特点。因此用它来组成一个测温系统,具有线路简单,在一根通信线,可以挂很多这样的数字温度计,十分方便。 -DS18B20 digital thermometer is DALLAS company produces the 1-Wire, namely single bus, with lines, simple device small volume features. Therefore u
- RS-485 transceiver with electrical data isolation Complies with ANSI TIA/EIA RS-485-A and ISO 8482: 1987(E) 500 kbps data rate Slew rate-limited driver outputs Low power operation: 2.5 mA max Suitable for 5 V or 3 V operations (VDD1)
- 设计了一种用RS232和CAN总线控制多轴伺服运动控制系统。-bus.According to intemational standard of the manual programming codes,the system software is developed with the characteristics of man—machine in interactivity in Visual C++6.0 for Windows.
- 在没有专用总线主机(如DS2480B、DS2482)的情况下,微处理器可以轻松地产生1-Wire时序信号。本应用笔记给出了一个采用‘C’语言编写、支持标准速率的1-Wire主机通信基本子程序实例。1-Wire总线的四个基本操作是:复位、写“1”、写“0”和读数据位。字节操作可以通过反复调用位操作实现,本文提供了通过各种传输线与1-Wire器件进行可靠通信的时间参数-In case no dedicated bus host (such as DS2480B, DS2482), the micro
- 是一个温室测控的单片机上的代码,有24c02读写,lcd显示,温室报警仪的IIC总线读写时序,c语言- 中 → 英 意见反馈>>译文:中-> 英 复制结果 双语对照 A greenhouse monitoring and control of the microcontroller code, 24C02 to read and write, LCD display, greenhouse alarm IIC bus read and write timin
- 16单片机和PC机通讯方法.用KEIL软件,C语言写作而成.其中有一些方法,大家共同一起看看.以后我们怎么向PC传输数据.-This is 51 entrance guard, compiled using C. There are some things can bus electronic experiment together. There is a time how separation. How algorithms. You can borrow. Can also take a l
- 了解 S3C2410X 处理器的内部存储空间分配; 掌握对存储区配置的方法; 3.掌握对存储区进行读写访问的方法; 4.掌握利用 S3C2410X 芯片地址总线扩展的 I/O 来驱动 LED 显示; 5. 掌握 S3C2410X 的中断控制寄存器的使用; 6. 掌握 ARM 处理器的中断方式和中断处理过程。-To understand the internal storage space allocation for S3C2410X processor
- i2c-dev.c - i2c-bus driver, char device interface - i2c-dev.c - i2c-bus driver, char device interface
- 功能描述: OV7620摄像头数据采集 硬件配置说明: 摄像头位数据位 - PORTD0~7 * * PCLK - PORTC0 * 行中断 - PORTA29 场中断 - PORTB0 图像数据输出 - K60串口1,波特率115200 * ** 添加说明: 我们自己的用户代码主要在main.c,isr.h,isr.c这三个文件中 * * 采集的图像的行数和列数在isr.h文件中修改 #define H 260 #define V 60
- 片上网络(Network-on-Chip,No C)是一种全新的片上通信方法,其显著改善了传统总线式系统的性能,被认为是未来集成工艺发展的必然方向-NoC (Network-on-Chip, No C) is on a new chip communication method, which significantly improves the performance of conventional bus systems, and is considered to be the inevita
- CANH and CANL are protected against battery shortcircuits and electrical transients that can occur on the CAN bus. This feature prevents destruction of the transmitter output stage during such a fault condition. The device is further protected
- M1543: Desktop South Bridge The M1543 is a bridge between PCI and ISA bus, providing full PCI and ISA compatible functions. The M1543 has Integrated Super I/O( Floppy Disk Controller, 2 serial ports/1 parallel port ), System Peripherals (ISP) (2