- 提供了三套ZigBee兼容的 平台,为我们的客户提供一种 只需要添加应用的解决方案。 所有的三种解决方案都是建立 在CC2420/CC2520上,而且 有很好的共存性。这些兼容的 平台缩短了产品进入市场的时 间,简化了系统设计和ZigBee 终端产品的验证。,Provided three sets of ZigBee-compliant platform, to offer our customers only need to add the application of a s
- The main features and structure of the 2. 4GHz RF chips CC2420 are introduced. The chip is the first IEEE 802. 15. 4 standard IC and can be used to desi gn the ZigBee equipment and product in industrial sen2 sor network and home wireless network
- CC2420 simple API for configuring the zigbee protocol