- 重点研究了全数字QAM接收机中的两个关键技术——符号同步和信道盲均衡。研究Gardner定时误差检测算法,盲均衡方面,重点研究了CMA及其改进算法,采用MMA算法和DD-LMS算法联合均衡-Focuses on the all-digital QAM receiver in the two key technologies- the symbol synchronization and channel blind equalization. Research Gardner timing err
- 降状态序列检测(RSSD)是一种减少信道码译码网格状态数形成更小的结构的一种方法。-Reduced-state sequence detection, or RSSD, is a method of reducing the state trellis of a channel code to a smaller structure.
- Implementation of symbol by symbol detection, sequence detection, and Viterbi algorithm in channel with ISI and compare performance based on SNR, channel taps, and packet size.
- 综合应用ADC转换器、一线制数字温度检测模块、键盘和LED数码管显示以及中文液晶显示,从而构成一个比较复杂的电压检测、温度转换、结果显示的单片机综合应用系统。通过该实验的学习,使用者可基本掌握单片机前向通道的信号处理和处理结果的输出-Integrated application ADC converter, front-line system, digital temperature detection module, the keyboard and LED digital tube disp
- 频率选择性衰落信道中一种低复杂度的正交空时分组码译码算法。该方案借鉴D-BLAST系统的检测方法,采用干扰抵消和干扰置零方法消除多径干扰,从而有效地检测出期望信号,译码复杂度低。有创新,希望给研究OSTBC译码的同志带来帮助。-Frequency-selective fading channel a low-complexity orthogonal space-time block code decoding algorithm. The program builds on D-BLAST s
- 8通道自动温度检测系统仿真(含原程序和proteus仿真)-8-channel automatic temperature detection system simulation (including the original program and proteus simulation)
- 水声信道的时变相位起伏使得实现可靠的相位跟踪比较困难, 从而造成基于相位检测的 水声通信接收机结构复杂。提出基于FSK 调制的直接序列扩频(DSSS2 FSK) 水声通信系统。-Underwater acoustic channel disguised bit of time to achieve reliable phase fluctuations make tracking more difficult, resulting in detection based on phase
- Zigbee RSSI的研究,能量检测,信道监测-Zigbee RSSI, energy detection, channel monitoring
- 容积卡尔曼滤波在通信中的应用,一篇很好的英文文献,值得参考-Joint Channel Estimation and Data Detection with Cubature Kalman Filters
- 基于LabVIEW的图像边缘检测的算子组合优化研究 改基于SPI总线的多路高速数据采集系统的设计-Image Edge Detection Based on LabVIEW combinatorial optimization study of the operator to change the SPI bus-based multi-channel high-speed data acquisition system design
- The MST717 is a highquality ASIC for NTSC / P AL car TV application. It receives analog NTSC / P AL CVBS and S-V ideo inputs from TV tuners, DVD or VCR sources, including weak and distorted signals, as well as analog RGB input from GPS systems.
- 本文在介绍MIMO无线通信系统模型的基础上,通过对比分析几种常用空时编码方法,选定空时分组码对信号进行编码并建立瑞利衰落信道模型,通过对两发一收及两发两收系统的仿真,研究接收天线数对系统接收信号可靠性的影响。之后进一步扩展到不同发射矩阵条件下研究多发一收系统的频谱利用率及误符号率,分析不同天线数目,不同发射矩阵条件下空时正交分组码检测算法的性能。-This paper introduced the MIMO wireless communication system model, through
- 研究无线信道优化问题, 由于非确定性 M MIO系统的信道矩阵行不满秩特性, 导致 MM SE- GDFE左预处理后引入了强干扰, 使得传统 K- Best算法产生了误码平层效应。为了消除误码平层效应,提出部分最大似然和 K - Best结合算法, 并在初始检测的强干扰区域利用部分最大似然算法获得局部最优解, 降低强干扰对系统的影响消除误码平层效应, 进而在局部最优解的基础上利用 K- Best算法完成剩余符号的检测, 保证 M MIO 检测器的软输出特性。仿真结果表明算法消除了传统 K- Be
- This code plots the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve for Rayleigh channel. The formulas for the probability of detection and the probability of false alarm are taken the following paper: Digham, F.F. Alouini, M.-S. Simon, Marvin K.,
- 心脏向外泵血引起与心跳同步的身体的震动,产生体震信号,其规律与心率相关,可在脊椎轴上通过敏感的力传感器检测出来.体震信号微弱且易受干扰,针对此特点设计了传感器电路和信号处理电路,说明了检测方法.所获得的原始体震信号先经预处理去除噪声,再应用模极大值算法得到每个心动周期中的峰值点,最后求得心率.采集体震信号时,同步采集一路单通道心电信号作为基准,评价测量的准确性.实验结果表明,基于体震信号的心率测量方法获得了良好的效果.-The heart to pump blood out of the bod
- :LTE(Long Term Evolution,长期演进)系统中的小区初始搜索过程通过分别检测主同步信号(Primary Synchronization Signal,PSS)和辅同步信号(Secondary Synchronization Signal,SSS)来完成,搜 索结果包括小区组ID、符号定时、频偏估计、组内小区ID以及帧定时[1]。然而,若接收信号 1IDN 2IDN 中存在整数倍频偏,则由于时域的相位旋转,主
- ML detection for mimo ofdm scr ipt for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with 2 Tx, 2Rx MIMO channel Maximum Likelihood equalization -ML detection for mimo ofdm scr ipt for computing the BER for BPSK modu
- RFID和ZigBee的图书馆智能监控通道系统设计(传统的图书馆防盗报警系统,采用磁条检测防盗,检测率低,系统容易受磁性或金属物质的影响而产生误报或漏报)-RFID and ZigBee library intelligent monitoring channel system design (the traditional library burglar alarm system, the use of magnetic stripe detection anti-theft, low det