- ImpulseC Codeveloper fft code. This file implements the hardware portion of a 256 sample FFT using a radix-4 algorithm. This implementation demonstrates that results similar to hand-coded HDL can be achieved using the C language, and without using
- STM32 64 256 1024采集点的FFT算法结果作用意义!-STM32 64 256 1024 collection point FFT algorithm result role sense!
- FFT-based FIR Filter is a unit to perform the finite impulse responce filter based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). It performs the convolution of the unlimited signal sequence with the synthesized impulse responce of the length of Ni=N/2 samples
- FFT VHDL with a fast Fourier transform papers, including the principle of analysis and code for 8 to 256 number of points
- 产生一正态分布序列 经过pcm编码、PCM解码、计算量化信噪比、设置信道误码率 -Generating a normal sequence after pcm encoding, PCM decoding, computing quantization noise ratio, set the channel error rate x = randn (1,1000) generating a normal sequence xf = fft (x, 256) 1024 da