- 用MATLAB实现通信系统的平坦衰落信道的建模-An approach to demonstrate flat fading in communication systems is presented here, wherein the basic concepts are reinforced by means of a series of MATLAB simulations. Following a brief introduction to fading in g
- In this article, first we present a brief review of the particle filtering theory, and then we show how it can be used for resolving many problems in wireless communications.We demonstrate its application to blind equalization, blind detection
- 球形解码( Sphere Decoder,SD) 算法能以较低的复杂度实现多输入多输出( Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO) 系统的最优检测,是当前受到普遍关注的 MIMO 检测算法。对当前球形解码 的 主 要 研究 成 果 进行 综 述,根 据 搜索策略进行分类,重点分析基于深度优先策略的 VB、CL 和基于宽度优先策略的 K-Best、FSD 算法,并且讨论了几种初始半径的选择方法,最后在准静态平坦瑞利衰落环境下对上述算法进行了性能仿真比较-Sphere
- 基于Simulink的平坦瑞丽衰落的信道建模与性能分析-Based on channel modeling and performance analysis of Simulink flat fading