- 视频序列中人脸的跟踪和识别_博士论文,具有很大的参考价值.需要先安装CAJViewer 6.0-video sequences of the human face tracking and identification _ doctoral dissertation, have great reference value. need to install the 6.0 CAJViewer
- 关于基于动态视频图像序列中的人脸跟踪算法,毕业设计时的参考文献,推荐参考-With regard to the video image sequence based on dynamic in the human face tracking algorithm, graduation design references, recommended reference
- 基于粒子滤波方法实现的实时人脸目标跟踪,程序步骤清楚,方法详细。-Based on particle filtering method to achieve real-time human face tracking
- welcam采集的视频流为数据源,通过转换彩色空间,后处理操作,人脸定位算法,实现对人脸的跟踪-welcam capture video stream for the data source, by converting color space, post-processing operations, face location algorithm to realize the tracking of human face
- 自适应人体肤色检测中的若干关键技术研究 人体的皮肤颜色是人体的一个重要特征,肤色检测被广泛的应用于人脸跟踪、人脸 检测、手语识别、敏感图像过滤等领域中,具有重要的理论研究意义和实际应用价值。 -Adaptive skin color detection of a number of key technologies in human skin color is an important feature of the human body, skin detection has bee
- a real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction (HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance of the hands tracking module
- This paper presents a method that combines colour and motion information to track pedestrians in video sequences captured by a fixed camera. Pedestrians are firstly detected using the human detector proposed by Dalal and Triggs which involves com
- Design, Implementation, and Experimental Results of a Quaternion-Based Kalman Filter for Human Body Motion Tracking
- 本论文是关于视频运动人体目标跟踪方法与性能评估-This paper is on the human target of video motion tracking method and performance assessment
- 提出一种人脸特征点跟踪方法。首先, 运用ASM 获取人脸的特征点, 然后在选用Lucas Kanade光流算法的基础 上, 将初始帧和当前帧的前一帧有机结合起来, 共同作为当前帧的参考来进行特征点跟踪。实验结果表明该方法对特征 点的跟踪有很好的效果。-Proposed a facial feature point tracking method. First, the use of the ASM obtaining human face feature point,
- 计算机视觉是研究用计算机模拟生物外显或宏观视觉功能的科学和技术。作 为计算机视觉研究的一个分支—运动目标的检测与跟踪,就是对视场内的运动目 标,如人或车辆等,进行实时的观测,并在此基础上对被观测对象进行分类,然 后分析它们的行为。近年来,计算机视觉的研究重点已经从对静态图像的研究过 渡到对动态图像序列的研究上面,这方面的典型应用包括自动化的视频监控系 统、视频MPEG编解码技术、人机交互的感知接口、军事上的制导、雷达视频 图像中的
- 基于硬件TIDM6437 的行人检测与跟踪 文章写得不错 硕士论文-The article is well written master' s thesis based on the hardware TIDM6437 the pedestrian detection and tracking
- 本文演示了如何使用适用于Windows SDK的Kinect的人脸跟踪,人脸跟踪。它提供了代码示例,以及如何调用它的API来获取,人脸追踪引擎最有用的小技巧-This article demonstrates how to use the Face Tracking SDK in Kinect for Windows to track human faces. It provides code samples as well as useful tips on how to call its A
- 9自由度系统介绍(人体行为跟踪/室内定位等)-9 degrees of freedom system (human behavior tracking/indoor positioning, etc.)
- 在优化粒子滤波跟踪框架下, 设计并实现了一个结合多种图像特征、在多摄像机环境下跟踪人体运动的三 维人体运动跟踪系统1 通过定义三维人体模型、摄像机模型以及观测似然模型, 得到跟踪所需目标函数, 并使用优化 粒子滤波算法进行求解1 实验结果表明, 该系统能够对人体运动进行准确的跟踪和三维重建, 可应用于体育运动分 析和动画制作等领域1-A v ideo-based 3D human body motion t racking system is developed under the
- 近些年,由于射频技术发展迅猛,应答器有了新的说法和含义,又被叫做智能标签或标签。RFID电子电梯合格证的阅读器(读写器)通过天线与RFID电子标签进行无线通信,可以实现对标签识别码和内存数据的读出或写入操作。典型的阅读器包含有高频模块(发送器和接收器)、控制单元以及阅读器天线。RFID射频识别是一种非接触式的自动识别技术,它通过射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取相关数据,识别工作无需人工干预,可工作于各种恶劣环境。RFID技术可识别高速运动物体并可同时识别多个标签,操作快捷方便。RFID是一种简单的
- 视频中的人体行为识别,检测,跟踪算法研究-Human behavior recognition, detection, tracking algorithm
- Introduction: The goal of the HumanEva dataset is to develop new techniques, technology, and algorithms for the automatic articulated pose estimation and tracking of humans. Brown University is involved in an ongoing effort to develop this datase