- Computational photography refers to computational image capture, processing, and manipulation techniques that enhance or extend the capabilities of digital photography, typically through the use of multiple pictures of the same subject matter, such,
- 图像分割是一种重要的图像分析技术,对图像分割的研究一直是图像技术研究中的热点和焦点。分水岭算法是基于数学形态学理论的图像分割算法,但是对噪声敏感且存在过分割的现象。为提高图像分割效果,本文通过对影像进行滤波处理,用改进的快速区域合并算法优化分水岭算法进行影像分割。实验结果与MeanShift算法得到的结果对比,证明此算法可以获得较好的分割效果。-In recent years, the watershed line has emerged as the primary tool of mathe
- In the proposed algorithm, these two issues are solved by a novel predicate, which is defined by the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) and the minimal cost criterion. Starting from an over-segmented image, neighboring regions are progressivel