- 流媒体 多视点视频编码 会议论文 清华大学课程指定阅读文献 英文-A Framework for Representation and Processing of Multi-view Video Using the Concept of Layered Depth Image.pdf Fast Disparity and Motion Estimation for Multi-view Video Coding.pdf Low-Delay Multiview Video Coding
- 实现图像基本处理,以及角度测量实现喷雾角度的测量!-image processing!Image processing, as well as the basic view Angle measurement realization of spray measuring!
- 关于图像超分辨率重建的系统设计关键算法,以光学系统简化模型引入,适合大视角的超分辨率重建-With regard to image super-resolution reconstruction of the system design key algorithms in order to simplify the model for the introduction of optical systems, suitable for large view of the super-resolut
- 本文提出了一种新的车辆许可证盘子识别,并在此基础上提出了一种自适应图像分割方法-In this paper, a new algorithm for vehicle license plate identification is proposed, on the basis of a novel adaptive image segmentation technique (Sliding Windows) in conjunction with a character recogni
- 针对目前主流方法对图象中纹理单一区域匹配效果不佳胡问题,提出一种改进的立体象对稠密匹配算法-Mainstream view of the current image in the textured area on the effects of poor matching Hu is proposed as an improved stereo matching algorithm on the dense
- The accessible presentation of this book gives both a general view of the entire computer vision enterprise and also offers sufficient detail to be able to build useful applications. Users learn techniques that have proven to be useful by first-hand
- 于轻小型光学成像系统,小孔径限制了 图像的极限分辨率,衍射退化造成了截止频率外信息的丢失成像系统所期望的 大视场不可避免的带来边缘视场的像差恶化,各视场退化情况不同,影响信息的 判读 -Small light optical imaging system, the small aperture limit the ultimate resolution of the image, diffraction degradation aberration deterioration o
- 方向可调小波图像边缘检测,该算法的主要功能是通过小波变换将图像的边缘检测出来。图像的边缘,按像素点来看应该是灰度值突变的地方,方向可调小波边缘检测正式应用这一特性将图像的边缘提取出来-The steerable wavelet image edge detection, the main function of the algorithm is the edge of the image detected by the wavelet transform. The edge of the ima
- 实现基于颜色的图像检索,检索结果按相似度进行排序,通过点击结果路径,能够查看相应图片-Color-based image retrieval, the search results are sorted according to the similarity be able to view the pictures by clicking on the result of the path,
- 计算机视觉是研究用计算机模拟生物外显或宏观视觉功能的科学和技术。作 为计算机视觉研究的一个分支—运动目标的检测与跟踪,就是对视场内的运动目 标,如人或车辆等,进行实时的观测,并在此基础上对被观测对象进行分类,然 后分析它们的行为。近年来,计算机视觉的研究重点已经从对静态图像的研究过 渡到对动态图像序列的研究上面,这方面的典型应用包括自动化的视频监控系 统、视频MPEG编解码技术、人机交互的感知接口、军事上的制导、雷达视频 图像中的
- A multi-view image rectification algorithm for matrix camera arrangement
- 近年来比较新的压缩传感运用到CT重构,有TV加权,高阶TV等,效果都很好-A Novel Weighted Total Difference Based Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Few-View Computed Tomography
- contrast adjusment Contrast is the difference in luminance or color that makes an object (or its representation in an image or display) distinguishable. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in the color a
- boundary detection Contrast is the difference in luminance or color that makes an object (or its representation in an image or display) distinguishable. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in the color a
- Contrast is the difference in luminance or color that makes an object (or its representation in an image or display) distinguishable. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in the color and brightness of the
- 线性反投影算法(Linear Back Projection,简称 LBP)又称累加法,是最早使用的一种简单(ECT图像重建)成像算法。它将通过某点的所有投影射线进行累加,再反向估算出该点的密度值。从成像观点分析,它是不完全的雷登逆变换(完整的雷登逆变换包括微分、希尔伯特变换、反投影和归一化等步骤)。-Linear back projection algorithm (Linear Back Projection, referred LBP), also known as cumulative
- 在视频监控应用中,如何有效实现宽视场范围视频的完整获取,是视频监控系统的 关键功能之一。本文针对多摄像头硬件平台,重点研究 360 度全景视频拼接的实现技术。 在保证高质量的拼接图像的前提下,满足实际应用场景的实时性要求是本文算法设计的 主要目标。针对全景拼接在视频监控领域这一应用背景,本文对多摄像头系统全景拼接 存在的一些优势和约束进行详细分析,并在此基础上,采用多个广角镜头进行视频图像 采集,实现摄像头个数和单个镜头视角之间的合理折中。在控制成本的前提下,有效实 现水
- 通过建议一个人脸形状先验模型关注该问题,该模型基于受限Boltzmann Machines (RBM)及其变种构建。特别的,我们首先基于深度信任网络构建一个模型以获取接近正视角的表情变化的人脸形状变量。为了解决姿态变化问题,我们将正面人脸形状先验模型整合到一个3路(3-way)RBM模型,其可以获取正面人脸形状和非正面人脸形状间的关系。最后,我们建议一个方法,将人脸先验模型和人脸特征点的图像度量系统性地组合在一起。-we address this problem by proposing a