数模竞赛评审分析 优秀论文 非线形的整数规划模型-Analysis of digital-to-analog Contest outstanding papers integer non-linear programming model
The solution of the Chinese postman problem using matching theory is given. The convex
hull of integer solutions is described as a linear programming polyhedron. This polyhedron is
used to show that a good algorithm gives an optimum solution. The
运筹学软件,可算对偶,灵敏度分析,线性规划,整数规划等-Or Software, you can count on even and sensitivity analysis, linear programming, integer programming
LINDO and LINGO software
LINGO and LINDO are computer software packages developed by LINDO systems.
designed for formulating and solving a wide variety of optimization problems include :
Linear programming
Integer programming
Nonlinear p