- 基于梯度方向直方图( H OG) 特征的行人检测是目前检测精度较高的主流方法。针对基于梯度直方图特征的 行人检测存在检测精度还有待提高、向量维数大的问题, 提出使用梯度直方图统计特征加颜色频率和肤色特征描述行 人, 选取一些分类能力较强的block 作为最后的特征, 使用线性SVM 分类。在INRIA 库上的实验证明, 该方法能有效地 提高检测精度。-H istog r am o f or iented g radient( H OG) based on pedestr ian de
- matlab 最小二乘法线性分类器设计功能及其应用。-matlab least squares linear classifier design
- The p erceptro n algo rithm ceases to update the para meters only when all the training images ar e classified corr e ctly (no mistakes, no update s). So, if the training images are p ossible to clas sify co rrectly with a linear c la ss ifier,
- The Support Ve ct or Machi ne So fa r we have used a reference as sumpt ion tha t there exists a linear classifier that has a larg e ge ometric margin, i.e., whose decision b oundar y is we ll separa ted from all the training images (e xampl