- this headerfor nxp that will can easier to work thisis best -this is headerfor nxp that will can easier to work thisis best
- MT9V126倒车影像方案:PKE作为新一代防盗技术,不仅 具有传统RKE的功能,而且还增加主 动识别车主身份的智能,将逐步从高 端车市进入中端车市,不仅奔驰、宝 马等广泛使用,而且蒙迪欧、天籁 和马自达也相继采用该技术,就连本 土车厂华晨、奇瑞等开始考虑配装该 产品。因此品佳集团以NXP PCF7952 为基础,并整合多条相关产品线, 推出PKE解决方案,包括车身控制部 分BCM(Infineon 、NXP LPC2119 and TDK)和 钥匙部
- LPC Can Application Note NXP
- This a datasheet for RFID reader chip by NXP. It is type MCRF522. Packed in zip folder. Inside you can found pdf file with text-This is a datasheet for RFID reader chip by NXP. It is type MCRF522. Packed in zip folder. Inside you can found pdf file w
- SPI driver for LPC2103. Interrupt driver for communicating with the NXP LPC 2103 and an external SPI interface (can be any device with appropriate Logic levels). Tested at 2Mb.-SPI driver for LPC2103. Interrupt driver for communicating with the NXP L
- ZigBee RF4CE栈, 本手册提供了可以在NXP JN516x器件上实现的ZigBee RF4CE网络栈的相关信息参考。本手册包含NXP ZigBee RF4CE栈软件相关的观念和实用信息,描述了ZigBee RF4CE应用程序接口(API)、API函数以及相关资源(枚举、架构和常量)的使用,可以用作ZigBee RF4CE应用开发的参考资料。-This manual provides relevant information with reference to ZigBee RF4CE