- 一些图像处理的论文[pdf],适合于拓宽思路,有些是很不错的论文-some image processing paper [pdf], suited to broaden our thinking, and some very good papers
- 以TI公司的DSP芯片TMS32OC6204为例,结合IDT公司的先进先出缓存芯片IDT72V3640,介绍了其扩展总线XB在DMA控制下对FIFO进行读写,以实现对图像的实时采集、处理。 -to TI's DSP TMS32OC6204 example, The combined company IDT FIFO-chip cache IDT72V3640. on the expansion of the bus XB under the control of DMA FIFO r
- 目前,在很多嵌入式系统的设计中需要将图像数据转换成视频信号在终端上显示,这就需要设计一个基于嵌入式系统的视频显示接口,以便把图像数据转换成适合终端显示要求的信号,并控制其在终端上的显示。由于嵌入式系统便携式的特点,要求视频显示电路不但功能强、性能好,而且体积小、重量轻、功耗低,同时要兼顾性价比。-Currently, in many embedded system design needs to be converted into image data in a video signal dis
- 基于内容的图像水印方法研究,IEEE Transaction的,方法简单易于实现,但是创新点好。-Content-based image watermarking method, IEEE Transaction, the method is simple and easy to implement, but the innovation and good points.
- MT9V126倒车影像方案:PKE作为新一代防盗技术,不仅 具有传统RKE的功能,而且还增加主 动识别车主身份的智能,将逐步从高 端车市进入中端车市,不仅奔驰、宝 马等广泛使用,而且蒙迪欧、天籁 和马自达也相继采用该技术,就连本 土车厂华晨、奇瑞等开始考虑配装该 产品。因此品佳集团以NXP PCF7952 为基础,并整合多条相关产品线, 推出PKE解决方案,包括车身控制部 分BCM(Infineon 、NXP LPC2119 and TDK)和 钥匙部
- 这是本人的论文,发表在去年的计算机安全应用年会上(ACSAC 2010)。它研究的问题是如何快速的对大量虚拟机image打补丁。基本方法是让这种过程不需要启动虚拟机image,另外还利用虚拟机image的索引方法加快这种操作。欢迎评论,欢迎引用。 :-)-This is my paper, published in last year s Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2010). It studies the question
- it is very useful,ImageMagick is a powerful, stable and free tool sets and setups, can be used to read, write and handle more than 89 basic format image files, including popular TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF and PhotoCD formats
- 三维扫描图像光带中心线提取的FPGA实现.pdf,式实现了三维扫描图像光带中心线提取的梯度质心算法。-FPGA Implementation of 3D scanned image with light centerline extraction pdf, type gradient centroid algorithm to achieve a three-dimensional scan image light with centerline extraction.
- This Pdf introduces you to the fundamentals of image processing using MATLAB and the Image Processing Toolbox. It describes the types of images supported, and how MATLAB represents them. It also explains the basics of working with image data an
- VC++版本的介绍图像处理的pdf版本,对学图像处理的初学者用途很大-VC++ version of the presentation pdf version of image processing, image processing for beginners to learn a great purpose
- this paper allows the shape adaptive wavelet to do region based image retri
- In this paper we present Discriminative Random Fields (DRF), a discrim- inative framework for the classification of natural image regions by incor- porating neighborhood spatial dependencies in the labels as well as the observed data. The proposed mo
- level sets水平集的图像分割pdf,caj资料,经过本人挑选的,适用于初学者理解学习-Level sets the level set image segmentation pdf, caj information after I selected, for beginners learning to understand
- The sky region of restored images often appears serious noise and color distortion using classical dark channel prior algorithm. To address this is- sue, we propose an improved dark channel prior algorithm which recognizes the sky regions in hazy ima