Ultrasound Speckle Reduction Using Coded Excitation and Pulse Compression
Ultrasound images are riddled with system dependent imperfections called speckle (multiplicative noise). In ultrasonic imaging, detection of small lesions could be difficu
海豚声纳信号的脉冲分解及特征分析.提出一种海豚声纳目标探测脉冲串信号的脉冲分解方法,在此基础上对海豚声纳脉冲信号的特征进行了分析,其中包括脉冲宽度、脉冲间隔以及脉冲的时间分辨率和频率分辨率,并采用耳蜗滤波对海豚声纳脉冲串信号的时频特征进行了分析。分析结果表明,探测目标的过程中,根据目标距离的不同,海豚会自适应调节脉冲信号的发射频率和信号形式。 -Dolphin sonar signal pulse decomposition and characteristics of proposed bur
强主动声纳信号干扰被动声探测的仿真分析.被动声探测是探测和跟踪水中噪声目标的重要手段,但强主动声纳信号的出现将对被动声探测产生很强的干扰作用,影响被动声纳对噪声目标的检测或跟踪。本文通过计算机仿真,分析被动声纳的积分时间、强主动声纳信号的强度、脉冲宽度和发射周期四个因素对强主动声纳信号干扰被动声探测程度的影响。-Simulation analysis of passive acoustic detection of a strong active sonar signal interferenc
设计了一个新的基于小波变换的信号奇异点分步检测法,该方法的特点是根据脉冲奇异点和阶跃奇异点的不同特征分两步从信号中提取奇异点-Design a new step detection method based on wavelet transform signal singularity points, the method of characteristics is extracted from the signal in two steps according to the different
本文设计了基于加速度传感器的计步器,并通过仿真以及实际调试得到了相应的结果的记录。本实验首先通过加速度传感器检测目标物体的运动,产生脉冲,将脉冲放大后经过施密特触发器整型为方波,并给出了方波的调试电路图。然后编写程序,利用D触发器检测方波的上升沿,当上升沿到来时,计数,并对十位、个位分别编码,然后由使能信号交替控制数码管输出结果。本文给出了仿真以及调试的程序、结果。-This article is designed pedometer-based acceleration sensor and
各种资源分配算法实现,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,独立成分分析算法降低原始数据噪声。- Various resource allocation algorithm, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Independent component analysis algorithm reduces the raw data noise.
具有丰富的参数选项,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,包含光伏电池模块、MPPT模块、BOOST模块、逆变模块。- It has a wealth of parameter options, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module.
采用累计贡献率的方法,快速扩展随机生成树算法,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测。- The method of cumulative contribution rate Rapid expansion of random spanning tree algorithm, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal.
含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,语音信号的采集与处理,数字信号处理课设,用谱方法计算流体力学一些流动现象的整体稳定性。- Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Acquisition and Processing of the speech signal, digital signal processing class-based, Spectral methods of computational fluid dynamics flow of some
是路径规划的实用方法,包括单边带、双边带、载波抑制及四倍频,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测。- Is a practical method of path planning, Including single sideband, double sideband, suppressed carrier and quadruple, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal.
关于小波的matlab复合分析,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,高斯白噪声的生成程序。- Matlab wavelet analysis on complex, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Gaussian white noise generator.
含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,到达过程是的泊松过程,包括单边带、双边带、载波抑制及四倍频。- Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Arrival process is a Poisson process, Including single sideband, double sideband, suppressed carrier and quadruple.
算法优化非常好,几乎没有循环,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,ofdm系统仿真 含16qam调制 fft 加窗 加cp等模块。- Algorithm optimization is very good, almost no circulation, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing modules plus cp.
毕设内容,高光谱图像基本处理,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,考虑雨衰 阴影 和多径影响。- Complete set content, basic hyperspectral image processing, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effect.
这是一个好用的频偏估计算法的matlab仿真程序,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,采用波束成形技术的BER计算。- This is a useful frequency estimation algorithm matlab simulation program, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, By applying the beam forming technology of BE.
一个计算声子晶体结构的一维传递矩阵法,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,二维声子晶体FDTD方法计算禁带宽度的例子。( A one-dimensional transfer matrix method to calculate the phonon crystal structure, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Dimensional phononic crystals FDTD method calculation examples band