- battery life. High peripheral integration and large on-chip memory helps reduce overall system cost and security enabled devices in this portfolio offer added encryption necessary for today’s mobile applications. With these advantages, the C5000 has
- Mobile devices available today are very heterogeneous with regard to their display and input capabilities and used software platform configurations. This leads to a complex development process for applications which have to target a wide range of dev
- Low bit-rate speech coders are important in many critical communication systems such as military, police, fire departments, homeland security and other first responders. The need for elimination, reduction of the redundancy or irrelevant information
- 爱立信公司(Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson)于1876年成立于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩。从早期生产电话机、程控交换机发展到今天全球最大的移动通讯设备商,爱立信的业务遍布全球180多个国家和地区,是全球领先的提供端到端全面通信解决方案以及专业服务的供应商。爱立信的全球业务包括:通信网络系统、专业电信服务、专利授权、企业系统、运营支撑系统(OSS)和业务支撑系统(BSS)。爱立信的2G、 3G和4G无线通信网络被世界上各大运营商广泛使用和部署。爱立信还是移动通信标准化的全球
- 随着智能手机的快速普及,智能手机操作系统市场风生水起。为了让智能手机用户能够随时随地查询互联网所提供的服务,一种高效的办法就是将应用系统的功能拓展到手机终端上,让手机能够通过移动网以及互联网访问Web网站并处理各种各样的业务。因此,智能手机的应用软件及其需要的服务将有广阔的发展前景。 在如今这个智能手机系统群雄纷争的时候,2008年Google推出了一款名为Android的开源智能手机操作系统,它采用Linux内核,开放手机联盟(OHA)成员可以任意使用和修改SDK包,系统的开源性使其具有良
- 如今随着互联网产业的多元化发展,尤其是互联网金融,O2O,移动支付,共享经济等新兴商业形式的兴起,行业对企业以及个人信息核验的数据形式和数据质量有了更高的需求。 -Today, with the diversification of the Internet industry, especially the rise of emerging business forms such as Internet finance, O2O, mobile payment and shared econom