PocketStoreII is a flash translation layer, made by Samsung Electronics, for OneNAND device that
uses Windows Mobile as operating system. This section provides the prerequisites for installing the
PocketStoreII v1.5.1 on Windows Mobile 6.0
one of video tool Skype only in windows mobile5.0 more than running, but my task is to let it run Skype in WINCE only in windows mobile5.0 more than running, but my task is to let it run in WINCE . Leave no stone unturned when I can not get windows m
Windows Mobile 是基于Windows CE操作系统的,是针对小内存和有限资源的移动设备而进行的开发,因此在开发过程中同PC的开发有很大的区别。特别是UI的开发,要针对手持设备进行开发,同时要符合手持设备的习惯操作。下面就我在开发过程中对UI开发的认识进行一些叙述。-Windows Mobile is based on Windows CE operating system, is aimed at small memory and limited resources for the
ZeroC ICE 是指ZeroC公司的ICE(Internet Communications Engine)中件间平台。对于客户端和服务端程序的开发提供了很大的便利。
目前ICE平台中包括Ice,Ice-E,Ice Touch。
Ice为主流平台设计,包括Windows和Linux,支持广泛的语言,包括C++,Java,C#(和其他.Net的语言,例如Visual Basic),Python,Ruby,PHP和Actionscr ipt。也包括所有的ICE服务,例如Ice Gr