- In most software-development organizations, the testing program functions as the final \"quality gate\" for an application, allowing or preventing the move from the comfort of the software-engineering environment into the real world. With this ro
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- Internet is without any doubt the fastest and effective mean of communication making it possible to reach a great number of people in the world. It draws its base from exchange points. Indeed exchange points are used to inter‐connect various Inte
- 这宝贵的一本小书,提供了给设计和爱好者世界带来风暴的开源电子原型平台的全面介绍。开始Arduino给你 Arduino项目的很多想法,并帮助你马上开始。从开始组织到最终碰触你的原型,你需要的所有信息就在书里。 您将了解: 交互设计和物理计算 Arduino的硬件和软件开发环境 电力和电子基础知识 无焊料的实验电路板原型 绘制示意图-This valuable little book offers a thorough introduction to the open-so
- 研究生计算机图形学的读书报告!计算机图形学在追求真实感方向的研究发展已进入一个发展的平台期,基本上各种真实感特效在不计较计算代价的前提下均能较好得以重现。然而,人们创造和生成图片的终极目的不仅仅是展现真实的世界,更重要的是表达所需要传达的信息。例如,在一个所需要描绘的场景中每个对象和元素都有其相关需要传达的信息,可根据重要度不同可采用不同的绘制策略来进行分层渲染再加以融合,最终合成具有一定表意性的图像。为此,研究者已经开始研究如何与图像处理、人工智能、心理认知等领域相结合,探索合适表意性图形生成
- Diabetic retinopathy contributes to serious health problem in many parts of the world. With the motivation of the needs of the medical community system for early screening of diabetics and other diseases, a computer aided diagnosis system is proposed