- 微软的音频/视频交错(AVI)文件格式是一种RIFF格式的文件规范与应用,捕捉,编辑使用和播放音频/视频序列。一般情况下,AVI文件包含了不同类型的数据多个流。大多数AVI序列将同时使用音频和视频流。一个简单的AVI序列变异使用视频数据,不需要音频流。专门阿维序列可能包括控制赛道作为额外的数据流或MIDI音轨。控制轨道可以控制,如一个MCI光碟机的外部设备。在MIDI轨道可以发挥的顺序的背景音乐。虽然专门序列需要专门的控制程序,利用它的全部功能,应用程序,可以阅读和发挥阿维序列仍然可以阅读和发挥
- A great deal of information is now being created, stored, and distributed in digital form. Newspapers, and magazines, for example, have gone online to provide real-time coverage of stories with high-quality audio, images, and even video sequences. Th
- The amount of audio visual information available in digital format has grown exponently in recent years. Gigabytes of new images, audio and video clips are generated and stored every day, building up a huge, distributed, and mostly unstructured repos