- 色彩空间RGB与YUV转换的硬件设计,色彩空间RGB与YUV转换的硬件设计-RGB and YUV color space conversion hardware design, RGB and YUV color space conversion hardware design
- Applications of Computer graphics, especially digital photographs and other complex color images,can produce very large file sizes. Problems of storage space and the necessity to fast transmit image data across networks and over the Internet, have th
- Applications of Computer graphics, especially digital photographs and other complex color images,can produce very large file sizes. Problems of storage space and the necessity to fast transmit image data across networks and over the Internet, have th
- 凸包算法。寻找最少的点包围点云,可以用来绘制色空间的色域。-Convex hull algorithm. The least points will be founed surround all the point cloud, which coule be used to draw the color gamut for color space.
- Hybrid Technique for Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using L*A*B* Color Space.