- TLD is an award-winning, real-time algorithm for tracking of unknown objects in video streams. The object of interest is defined by a bounding box in a single frame. TLD simultaneously T racks the object, L earns its appearance and D etects it whenev
- 要将 MenuBar 加入一个Frame 中,应使用的方法是? A. setMenu() B. setMenuBar() C. add() D. addMenuBar() 2. 使用哪一个布局管理器时,当Frame 的大小被改变时Frame 中的按钮的位置可能会被改 变? A. BorderLayout B. FlowLayout C. CardLayout D. GridLayout-To add a Frame MenuBar, the method
- This paper presents a nonlinear control scheme for back-to-back High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) system based on feedback linearization control, using three-phase three-level voltage source converter. The design of the proposed nonlinear controller