- 1660的调试说明书详细,包括与电脑连接调试方法及调试条码等-1660 detailed debug instructions, including debugging method and computer connection and bar code debugging,
- A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter), is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter may include features such as the ability to measure voltage, curr
- 嵌入式报告,非常精彩。如果需要就下吧,非常有用哦-Embedded reports, very exciting. If you need under the bar, very useful Oh
- TFT LCD code demo HARDWARE AVR mega8,16,32 BL-TFT240320PLUS. An interface can be 8/16 bit mode. TFT LCD arduino shield. SD card File APPLICATION main.c main program. scan SD card and display BMP file on lcd. readm
- 采用一种混合骨干微粒群优化算法的 感应电机转子断条故障诊断 -Broken Rotor Bar Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motors Using a Hybrid Bare-bones Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
- AVR programer za ATMEGA 8 Za elektronič are koji u svojim uređ ajima koriste legendarni mikrokontroler AT mega 8, preporuč ujemo za gradnju ovaj programer koji se pokazao kao pouzdan bar š to se tič e programiranja AT mega 8
- VGA显示彩条DE2_70开发板 验证过的-VGA display color bar DE2_70 development board validated
- JFreeChart是一组功能强大、灵活易用的Java绘图API,使用它可以生成多种通用性的报表,包括柱状图、饼图、曲线图、甘特图等- JFreeChart is a powerful, flexible and easy to use Java graphics API, with which you can generate a variety of reports versatility, including bar charts, pie charts, graphs, Gantt
- 多视图应用程序 w 自定义控制器 w 标签栏控制器 w 导航控制器 w iOS应用程序风格类型 w 实用型应用程序与委托设计模式 w 实用型应用程序与模态显示视图 - 您是不是要找: 多视图应用程序 w 自定义控制器 a 标签栏控制器 w
- 1 QR codes are two-dimensional bar codes that can contain any alphanumeric text and often feature URLs that direct users to sites where they can learn about an object or place (a practice known as “mobile tagging”). Decoding software on to