- 固高科技有限公司(以下简称固高科技)具有本产品及其软件的专利权、版 权和其它知识产权。未经授权,不得直接或间接的复制、制造、加工、使用本产 品及相关部分。 直线倒立摆系统GLIP系列包含《直线倒立摆系统GLIP系列安装与使用手册》 和《倒立摆与自动控制原理实验》。,Solid high-tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to solid high-tech) with the products and software, patents, cop
- 陀螺仪材料,自动控制不可缺少的 对于其使用还需各位多多指点啊-Gyroscopes material, automatic control indispensable need for their use that a lot of pointing ah
- 计算机技术对工业控制技术的影响 工业自动控制系统基本类型-Computer technology, the impact of industrial control technology basic types of industrial automatic control system
- 本文档是有关PID闭环控制的几个例子,对学习自动控制原理的朋友有很大的帮助!-This document is the PID closed-loop control of a few examples of automatic control theory of learning is very helpful friend!
- 上传一个自控系统管理、维护、建设规定对有这方面需求的朋友一个参考的范本-From an automatic control system management, maintenance, and construction needs in this regard the provisions of a reference model for a friend
- 本智能停车管理系统采用AT89C52单片机作为下位机,Visual C++编写上位机软件,通过串口实现上下位机通信,上下位机的共同协作完成对停车场的智能管理。车辆的检测采用了红外接近开关;车辆信息的读取使用RFID射频读卡器,实现全自动远距离车辆信息采集。车场的信息显示屏采用LCD12864实现对相应信息的显示;并能通过红外遥控对本系统实现控制。整个系统实现了对停车场驶入、驶出车辆的信息管理、红外遥控等功能。-This intelligent parking management system
- 陶显芳开关电源原理与设计系列 开关电源就是利用电子开关器件(如晶体管、场效应管、可控硅闸流管等),通过控制电路,使电子开关器件不停地“接通”和“关断”,让电子开关器件对输入电压进行脉冲调制,从而实现DC/AC、DC/DC电压变换,以及输出电压可调和自动稳压。-Tao Xianfang principle of switching power supply switching power supply design series is the use of electronic switch
- 安全防范视频监控联网系统 信息传输、交换、控制技术要求 GB28181补充汇编,GB28181拓展协议汇总, 贵州公安厅的安防通讯协议,自动归位扩展协议-Security video surveillance network system of information transmission, switching, control technology requirements of GB28181 added assembly, GB28181 expansion protoco
- This paper deals with analysis of main functional diagrams of step PID controllers for electric motor-driven actuators. The main formulae to calculate the parameters of the diagrams of step PID controllers are presented in the paper. The influence
- 选矿关于性能能指标很好的文章,值得一看,希望大家好好学习,可以相互交流!-Dressing can be indicators of good performance on the article, worth a visit, I hope you learn, you can communicate with each other!
- 在过程控制中,按偏差的比例(P)、积分(I)和微分(D)进行控制的PID控制器(亦称PID调节器)是应用最为广泛的一种自动控制器。(In the process control, the PID controller (also called the PID regulator), which is controlled by the proportion of deviations (P), integral (I) and differential (D), is the most wide