- Matlab的使用文件对想学却不懂得人有很大的帮助尤其是初学者-document like the people do not know how to be of great help especially beginners
- Java入门攻略之HelloWorld问题,这是一款很不错的文档资料,尤其对于一些菜鸟级的人物,更是要好好读读,真是受益匪浅啊-Java's HelloWorld portal, which is one very good documentation, especially for some newcomers-class figures, but it is also necessary to properly review what really benefited ah
- 介绍ASP的基本内容,特别对初学的同学来讲,是一个很好的教程来的,希望大家-introduced the basic contents, especially for novice students, this is a good guide to the We hope to s
- 对于每一个英语句子的翻译, 并不只是使用一种翻译方法, 而是多种翻译方法的综合运用, 这在英语长句的翻译中表现得尤为突出。-for each one sentence in English translation, is not just the use of a translation, but many of the translation of the integrated use of this long sentence in the English translation was e
- 此文档为电子工程师工作指导及规范,电子工程师必备, 尤其是从事技术管理工作的人不看后悔-this document as an electronic engineer and standardize the work guidance, electronic engineers required, especially those engaged in technical management of the Bukanhouhui
- 这个是液晶(lcd)的生产厂家大全,包括各国内国外,特别是深圳那块的,一网打进,对做开发液晶系统选型,寻找合适的TFT,LCD,LED模块极为有帮助,我找了好久的-This is a LCD (lcd) manufacturers Solutions, including domestic and foreign, especially in Shenzhen piece. access to a network, so the development of LCD system selecti
- 人事管理系统概要设计.人事管理是每个企业必不可少的。人事档案管理系统一般包括对人事档案的统计、查询、 更新、报表输出等功能。 如果人工计算的话,工作量将十分庞大,特别是,如果企业的员工有几万或几十万人时,人工统计将会变得不可想象。 用计算机可使众从繁重而单调的统计运算中解脱出来,公用一些简单的操作便于工作可及时准确得需要的信息。 通过该系统、使企业的人事管理工作系统化、规范化、自动化,从而提高企业人事管理的效率。-Personnel Management System outline de
- jquery_easyui中文开发文档,特别适合开发者的需要。-jquery_easyui Chinese development documents, especially suitable for the needs of developers.
- ANSI标准的微机保护代码定义,有了它,就可以知道67代表的是过电流,尤其是进口设备,就不犯愁了-ANSI standard definition of microprocessor-based protection code, with it, you can know that 67 represents the over-current, especially imported equipment and not worry a
- 搞点开发确实不容易尤其是初学者,需要有很多的资料和经验,这些是我在网上,和其他地方收集来的,希望对需要的人有用。-Development does not come up with something easy, especially beginners, need to have a lot of information and experience, which is my line, and elsewhere collected, in the hope that those who n
- Document Image processing and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) have been a front line research area in the field of human-machine interface for the last few decades. Recognition of Indian language characters has been a topic of interest for
- In contrast to English alphabets, some characters in Indian languages such as Kannada, Hindi, Telugu may have either horizontal or vertical or both the extensions making it di cult to enclose every such character in a standard rectangular gr
- 电气火灾国家标准,中国的火灾80 与电气故障有关,防止电气火灾,特别是从技术角度防止电气火灾是每一个技术开发人员需要思考的重要问题-National standards for electrical fires, fires 80 of China s electrical failures, to prevent electrical fires, especially from a technical point of view to prevent the electrical fire
- Whether a barcode can be scanned successfully using a mobile barcode scanner depends on the following factors: the physical properties (weight, shape) of the product, the attributes (size, type, contrast, reflection) of the barcode to be scan
- EXCEL图表之道_如何制作专业有效的商务图表,一本商用excel非常好的书,特别对经常做报表的朋友们。-EXCEL chart the road _ how to make professional and effective business graphics, a commercial excel very good book, especially for friends who often make statements.
- 有关于采集信号时的相位问题的处理,尤其是分段信号的相位处理-Acquisition signal on the phase problem of handling, especially the phase of the signal processing section
- 本文是我经过一天一夜完成的,不同于一般网上文章,除详细的将整个配置过程和 测试过程都详细截图说明外,尤其在FastCGI方面采用微软的“web平台安装程序”来配置,网上相关内容很少,对gzip的设置也很详细,保证按图操 作即可独立完成。另外,还有详细的测试gzip压缩率的方法和比较。 文中对于理论几乎没有阐述,只是对配置过程进行了最详细的介绍,这样 使新手即使不太明白,照本文也可以配置出一样的环境来,本文章的错误及疏漏之处,还请大家指出来,大家在配置中有何问题,我们一起来探讨解决。 本
- 机器学习的综述性材料,特别是从事boost的集成学习方法,对研究模式识别的人也有帮助-Overview of machine learning materials, especially in the boost the integration of learning methods, help the people of the pattern recognition
- .vimrc是一个vim编辑器的配置文件,这个是本人现在正在使用的,感觉很好,特拿出来分享-vimrc is a vim editor configuration file, this is I now feel good, especially out to share
- 介绍photoshop很详细的文档,特别是对初学者很有帮助。-A detailed document introduced photoshop, especially for beginners helpful.