- 提出了一种基于相似度函数的自适应加权中值滤波算法。该方法首先通过噪声检测确定图像中的噪声点,然后 根据窗口内噪声点的个数自适应地调整滤波窗口的尺寸,并根据相似度大小,巧妙地将滤波窗口内各个像素点自适应分 组并赋予相应的权重,最后对检测出的噪声点进行加权中值滤波。计算机模拟实验结果表明:该算法既能有效地滤除噪 声,又能较好地保护图像细节,比标准中值滤波具有更优良的滤波性能。-A similarity function based on adaptive weighted medi
- 关于评价彩色图像质量的相关定义,如常用的MSE和PSNR,与灰度图像稍有区别,在图像的滤波、加密恢复等可以用得到。-Associated definitions on the evaluation of the color image quality, such as the commonly used MSE and PSNR slight difference with the grayscale image in the image filtering, encryption can be
- 卡尔曼滤波简介及其算法实现代码,近来发现有些问题很多人都很感兴趣。所以在这里希望能尽自己能力跟大家讨论一些力所能及的算法。现在先讨论一下卡尔曼滤波器,如果时间和能力允许,我还希望能够写写其他的算法,例如遗传算法,傅立叶变换,数字滤波,神经网络,图像处理等等。-The Kalman filtering Us algorithm code, recently found that some of the problems a lot of people are very interested. So
- Median filter replaces the intensity value in each pixel by the local median taken over a local n x m processing window where is a local m x n window around the pixel (x,y) in the image g (to be processed), and MED is the median value taken over the
- Butterfly Filtering in matlab helps to remove the noise in image