- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- Design Patterns in Java Tutorial Design patterns represent the best practices used by experienced object-oriented software developers. Design patterns are solutions to general problems that software developers faced during software development. The
- HOG PK Ali Hassan Ali Hassan opencv, MATLAB, Java, Android, Eclipse, XML, HTML,... Islamabad, Capital 0.0 New on Elance 22/hr rate About Ali Hassan I’m primarily interested Computer Vision and Image Processing projects. I hav