- The use of fingerprints for identification has been employed in law enforcement for about a century. A much broader application of fingerprints is for personal authentication, for instance to access a computer, a network, a bank-machine, a ca
- 在众多的计算机应用中,有一类重要的计算机应用,称为数据密集型应用,例如,管理信息系统、办公信息系统、银行信息系统、民航定票系统、情报检索系统等,这是最大的计算机应用领域,管理这种大量的、持久的、共享的数据需要数据库技术。 JDBC是Sun提供的一套数据库编程接口,由Java语言编写的类、界面组成。用JDBC编写的程序能够自动地将SQL语句传送给相应的数据库管理系统,而且通过使用JDBC,开发人员可以很方便地将SQL语句传送给几乎任何一种数据库。也就是说,开发人员可以不必写一个程序访问Orac
- This project is to achieve a financial application for determine whether a loan for a home purchase is authorized or not by a bank and to calculate the monthly payments relating to the repayment of the loan. The agreement of the bank to authori