- MIMO-OFDM 国外博士论文 1.Transmitter strategies for closed-loop MIMO-OFDM,2.Spatial processing, power control, and channel allocation for OFDM wireless communications....,MIMO-OFDM foreign doctoral dissertation 1.Transmitter strategies for closed-loop MIMO
- Wimax ofdma C++ codes with optimum power allocation
- 考虑了基站通过多个中继与多个用户的问题,基于背包问题提出了最优功率分配。-the optimal power allocation is presented based on knapsack problem for a system with a base station communication with multiple users assisted by multiple relay.
A stochastic, contingency-based security-constrained optimal power flow for the procurement of energy and distributed re
- It is widely agreed that optimal procurement of reserves,with explicit consideration of systemcontingencies, can improve reliability and economic efficiency in power systems.With increasing penetration of uncertain generation resources, this optimal
- Distributed power Allocation in CR using DPNC Algorithems