- 一篇关于希尔伯特黄变换在地震信号处理方面的理论研究,里面对其具体的算法进行了设计和讲解,对以后地震信号的深入研究提供了一个参考。-Article on the Hilbert Huang transform in seismic signal processing theory, which carried out its specific algorithm and explain the design of future-depth study of the seismic signal p
- 企业人事可行性研究报告 为企业人事管理系统的开发提供可行性分析的结论,为项目是否正式立项、启动提供依据,为项目启动后的需求分析、设计、开发、测试等工作提供基础依据。保证本项目的需求分析活动在受控状态下进行,在进行软件开发前,明确本系统应达到的目标,对系统目标做出完整、准确、清晰、具体的要求。保证本需求分析的结果能够完整、无遗漏地反映待开发系统的要求。-Personnel feasibility study report for the enterprise personnel managem
- The MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3) algorithm is one of the most successful audio The MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3) algorithm is one of the most successful audio formats for consumer audio storage and for transfer and playback of music on digital audio players.
- this paper examines the specific role played by a key component of OSNs: the extremely popular and widespread set of third-party applications on some of the most popular OSNs. With over 81,000 third-party applications on Facebook alone, their