- 基于角色的信息网格访问控制的研究-role-based information grid access control study
- SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service better delivered to the end device users by bridging with back-end content providers. Operators rely on the content provider to create & distribute data
- SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service better delivered to the end device users by bridging with back-end content providers. Operators rely on the content provider to create & distribute data
- DVB-RCT(地面数字电视系统回传信道) 技术分小组创建于 1999年12月,承担着规定物理层 、媒体接入控制层和RF实施指南的巨大任务, 它们构成DVB-RCT技术规范。-DVB-RCT (terrestrial digital television system return channel) technology sub-group was founded in December 1999, are responsible for the provisions of the physic
- 文章讲述了现在韩国的频谱政策和动态频谱接入技术。过去韩国的频谱管理政策需要特权,并且只有一小部分频谱可以公用。随着无线技术的发展,现在,韩国政府,使用了机遇动态频谱接入的新型频谱策略,例如LBT技术用于REID,UWB和FACS等。MIC还考虑如何在DTV过渡完成后,重新分配频谱。新型的无线电技术如认知无线电和SDR将在UHF边带中应用新的服务。MIC试图用一用有效地方式开放频谱并接受新技术用于频谱策略中。-In this paper, we introduce spectrum policie
- 随着汽车越来越向智能化和人性化发展,PKE 系统将会成为汽车门禁系统的主流。本文介绍了一种新的汽车智能无匙 门控系统设计方案,给出具体的软、硬件设计,并对设计中的关键技术进行详细的描述。该系统功耗低、收发距离远、可靠性及安 全性高,具有很好的应用前景。 关键词: 被动无匙门控 智能应答器 KEEL OQ 滚码编码 声表面波谐振器-With the car more to the development of intelligent and humane, PKE system wil
- 随着经济的快速发展和城市化水平的不断提高,世界汽车拥有量在同益增加,如何解决停车难问题已经成为了全世界亟待解决的问题。本文针对城市停车难的现状以垂直循环式的立体车库作为研究对象,给出了车库的总体设计方案。以单片机为系统的控制核心对硬件系统进行了总体的设计,实现了取车存车智能一体化的功能并对各个功能模块的具体设计进行了详细阐述。系统包括显示模块、检测模块、IC卡的存取模块和动力模块。本系统在功能上实现了车位的检测、最佳停车位的给定、空车位数量的显示和车辆的自动存取,基本具备了立体车库的基本功能。-
- Downlink Spec. – Downlink Structure: FDD, TDD – Initial Access • Cell Search (PSC, SSC, RS) • System Information Receive (PBCH, PCFICH, PDCCH) • Random Access – Downlink data transmission: PHICH, PDSCH R
- We enunciate the need for watermarking database relations to deter data piracy, identify the characteristics of relational data that pose unique challenges for watermarking. And delineate desirable properties of a watermarking system for relational d
- IEEE 802.3 2012 标准,以太局域网络操作 1 Mb / s到100 Gb / s的采用通用的媒体访问控制(MAC)规范和管理信息库(MIB)。带有冲突检测(CSMA / CD)的载波侦听多路访问 MAC协议指定共享介质(半双工)的操作,以及全双工操作。速度具体媒体独立接口(MIIS)允许使用选定的物理层设备(PHY)工作在同轴电缆,双绞线或光纤电缆。系统注意事项多段共享接入网络描述使用被定义为中继器运行速度高达1000 Mb / s的。支持局域网(LAN)运行在所有速度
- Visual Basic Access Control
- ISO (the International organization for stadardiization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. The first standard of this deals with the threat and countermeasure of biometr
- 基于拟生灭过程的无线Ad Hoc网络若干技术研究, 利用生灭过程和拟生灭过程对Ad Hoc网络的分簇算法、节点故障维护策略以及MAC层接入协议技术进行了建模和分析-Research on technologies in wireless Ad Hoc network based on Quasi-birth-and-death process, based on birth-and-death and quasi-birth-and-death stochastic process, resea
- A great deal of information can be inferred from human facial images, such as emotions, gender, race, and age. Recently age estimation has developed a variety of applications including, internet access control, underage prevention of cigarett
- 安全方向的论文,访问控制课阅读的文献资料-Safe direction of the paper, access control courses to read the literature
- 基于任务和角色的访问控制模型在RBAC 和TBAC 两类访问控制模型的基础上, 将任务和角色作为访问控制的两个基本 要素, 通过工作流引擎实现动态权限的控制。-RBAC model which combines RBAC and TBAC model to implement the dynamic access control by work flowengine。The task and the role are the two key of T-RBAC model。