- A multi-Kalman filtering approach for video tracking of human-delineated objects in cluttered environments is an latest PH.D graduation paper! it give to most needing people.-A multi-Kalman filtering approach for vid eo tracking of human-delineated o
- I believe that technology has the capacity to fundamentally improve people’s lives, and improve the world in which we live.We are now two years into what my company have called the ‘Digital Decade’.We think that by 2010 a combination of hardware
- 这是几篇对做特定三维人脸建模的朋友比较有参考意义的论文资料,方法都比较有代表性!-This is so specific a few pairs of 3-D Face Modeling friends compared to the reference paper, methods more representative!
- A one-dimensional calibration object consists of three or more collinear points with known relative positions. It is generally believed that a camera can be calibrated only when a 1D calibration object is in planar motion or rotates around a &mac
- 六线制传感器及带比例型A/D在我公司称重系统中的应用。
- 一篇介绍adhoc网络中DSR,AODV,DSDV协议的比较的文章,包括源代码和性能分析,,ADHOC networks introduced a DSR, AODV, DSDV protocol comparison article, including source code and performance analysis,
- 为了 设 计 好吻enSSL组件结构,本论文详细剖析了OpenSSL的基本结构和 程序流程,深入分析其存在不足的原因。文中也对COM组件技术和ATL库进 行了详细论述和仔细分析,得出了COM 组件技术的特点和优势所在。在上述 两点的基础上,说明了采用COM组件技术封装OpenSSL的原因和带来的好处, 并提出了映射和面向对象两种具体的封装思想,充分考虑到了传统用户和习惯 于面向对象方法用户的需求。在封装思想的指导下,课题采用VisualSt udio2 003 和其附带的
- During the past four years, most of our research activities have been focused on image but also video and 3-D objects processing for security applications (watermarking and biometrics) and communications (talking heads, interfaces), with a specia
- IPTV中间件技术及标准化的探讨 为第三方提供开放的业务开发环境; 为各级运营商提供运营和支撑手段; 便于远程控制和升级; 降低终端研发成本和升级成本。 -IPTV middleware and standardization of technology for a third party to provide an open environment for business development for operators at all levels to provid
- 我国电力变压器最新发展趋势及现状 配电变压器我国中小型配电变压器最初是以绝缘油为绝缘介质发展起来的;进入20世纪90年代,干式变压器在我国才有了很快的发展。-The latest development trends of China' s power transformer and current situation of China' s small and medium sized distribution transformers and distribution tra
- STARCOS?S (Smart Card Chip Operating System/Standard Version) developed by G&D constitutes a complete operating system for smartcards. Great emphasis has been put on compliance with both existing and forthcoming ISO standards
- 由中国信息安全博士网(www.secdoctor.com)主办的中国信息安全行业电子刊物《安全周报》于2010年4月6日宣告正式开通上线!《安全周报》不仅发挥了信息量大、更新速度快、阅读方便等电子刊物特点,而且通过透视信息安全行业热点,追踪媒体关注焦点,汇聚专家评析亮点,将带给业界最新资讯。本次发布的是《安全周报》第二期。-Ph.D. from the China Information Security Network (www.secdoctor.com) China Information
- a must have research for doing water pollution research.. good for thesis, and highly recommended for Ph.D -a must have research for doing water pollution research.. good for thesis, and highly recommended for Ph.D !!
- 虚拟现实三维交互,基于java与vrml实现的虚拟现实三维交互,引领者社会的快速发展,也将在电子商务领域发挥着它的光辉。-Virtual reality 3 d interactive, based on Java and VRML virtual real 3 d interactive, leader of the rapid development of the society, will be in the electronic commerce field plays a its sp
- The purpose of educational leave is to provide classified staff within one year of completing their degree, with the opportunity for continued professional growth and new or renewed intellectual achievement. This may be accomplished through stu
- SIFT (Scale-invariant feature transform) est un algorithme de vision assistée par ordinateur permettant de détecter et décrire des zones d intérêts dans une image. Cet algorithme a été publié par David Lowe en 1999, et le propriétaire du brevet e
- 中国GPS研发公司,适合每个学生找工作时方便的知道了解中国的研发公司-GPS R & D company, for each student to find a job know to understand China' s R & D company
- This paper focuses on the analysis of traditional decoupled d-q vector control approaches for control of power transmission in a HVDC light system. The paper presents steady-state and transient models of a HVDC light system in a d-q reference
- LIDAR点云数据处理与应用 -分析 L I D A R点云数据的获取原理及分类 , 探讨 Mi c r o s t a t i o n 的 t e r r a 模块 数据及 L I D A R点云数据 的分类处理 方法。- Get principle and classification, classification method to e
- BM3D 的经典文章,是去噪领域的很经典的一篇文章,有着良好的去噪效果。-BM3D classic article, is a very classic in the field of denoising of an article, has a good denoising effect.