- Flow-Based Admission Control Algorithm in the DiffServ-Aware ATM-Based MPLS Network. This paper proposes a flow-based admission control algorithm through an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) based Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) network for
- 我所做的单片机串行通信发射机主要在实验室完成,参考有关的书籍和资料,个人完成电路的设计、焊接、检查、调试,再根据自己的硬件和通信协议用汇编语言编写发射和显示程序,然后加电调试,最终达到准确无误的发射和显示。在这过程中需要选择适当的元件,合理的电路图扎实的焊接技术,基本的故障排除和纠正能力,会使用基本的仪器对硬件进行调试,会熟练的运用汇编语言编写程序,会用相关的软件对自己的程序进行翻译,并烧进芯片中,要与对方接收机统一通信协议,要耐心的反复检查、修改和调试,直到达到预期目的。-Abstract:
- The transport layer’s primary role is to provide end-to-end communications service between two or more applications running on different hosts. It isolates the applications from the specifics of the underlying network connecting the hosts and pro
- A hybrid fuzzy-PI controller for voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) transmission system is proposed in this paper. At first, the elementary model of VSCHVDC is described. Then the fuzzy self-tuning control strategy is proposed, in
- 无人飞艇在飞行过程中经常受到上升或下降气流的影响,从而使得飞艇的飞行不 稳定,影响任务的执行。本文的主要研究目标为:以ST-3型飞艇为研究对象,针对气 流的影响,设计控制系统。通过控制飞艇发动机推力矢量,即改变飞艇发动机的方向, 向飞艇既提供水平方向的推力,又提供向下或者向上的分力,从而帮助升降舵克服下 降或者上升气流的作用力,使飞艇容易保持预定的高度,提高飞艇的操控性能。具体 工作主要包括以下几个方面:,During the flight, the unmanned airship
- The existence of the modules capacitors necessitates the control of their voltage level. A dedicated controller is described that has two main parts the averaging controller that takes care of the average capacitor voltage level per leg and the b