- 在VC++环境下,机器人走三角形的程序,希望有需要的下载-In VC++ Environment, the robot follow the procedures for the triangle, I hope there is a need to download
- 语音识别中的语音信号特征提取和选择是关系到语音识别模型性能的一个重要问题。音信号的特征提取是解决时域信号的数字表问题,特征选择则是在多个特征中选择有的特征为后继的模式划分部分提供数据。-Speech recognition in speech signal feature extraction and selection in relation to the performance of speech recognition model of an important issue. Audio
- 申请电子邮箱说课稿 本节课题为申请电子邮箱,让学生了解电子邮箱的基本概念,通过学习申请电子邮箱,为本单元后续教学服务;同时,强调网络道德教育。-Talking about the class e-mail section of the application subject to the application scr ipt e-mail, so that students understand the basic concepts of e-mail by learning to ap
- 企业网站ASP 毕业设计摘要伴随着计算机技术在各行各业日益广泛和深入的应用,网络的概念早已深入人心。今天的网络在各行各业的发展战略中占据了重要的位置,成为企业不可分割的部分。企业产品与企业形象的宣传已不只局限于电视与报纸,网络已成为企业展示自己的另一个舞台。企业建立网站,将企业各方面的宣传与服务展现于网络中,通过网络更可实现如网上购物、信息查寻等功能,这些在改变我们原有经营方式与经营理念的同时,也为企业带来了更高的效益。因此,对于商业企业来说,拥有一个属于自己的网站是至关重要的。-Follow
- 在昨日举行的“2011TD-LTE组网技术研讨会”上,工信部科技司调研员叶林表示,我国3G用户已经突破8000万户,其中TD-SCDMA用户占比超过1/3。作为TD-SCDMA的后续演进技术,TD-LTE迎来了历史性的发展机遇-At yesterday' s " 2011TD-LTE network technology seminar" , the Ministry of Science and Technology Division, said researcher Y
- DotProject是一个在1996年左右,由开源组织自发组织人员开发的一个开源的项目管理软件系统,基于Web,可以部署于局域网"广域网的办公环境中,客户端不需要安装任何软件,只要有IE,Firefox,Opera等浏览器即可,强大,小巧.被翻译为了大约40多种语言,应用于100多个国家,可见它的简单易用的程度. -dotProject is a volunteer supported Project Management application. There is no "company"
- 描述nmf的算法及其发展,说明其在各个领域中的应用,以及后续的工作-Describe the NMF and its development algorithm, it shows the in various areas of application, and the follow-up
- Wireless sensor networks are new type of emerging networks with bunch of applications in all fields due to their low cost and low power scheme. As these networks follow open wireless communication, they undergo dynamic node problems
- 中文翻译 LED是如何工作的 通常被称为LED的发光二极管,使电子世界中真正的无名英雄。LED的功能多达几十种,被广泛的应用于各种装置之中。在其他应用场合,LED可以作为数字钟的数码显示、传送-TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR(TVS) Diode PRESENTATION • High protection on sensitive mobile electronic devices • Follow strictly to th
- This paper investigates insider threat in relational database systems. It discusses the problem of inferring unauthorized information by insiders and proposes methods to prevent such threats. The paper defines various types of dependencies as
- This BC04 Bluetooth module based on British CSR Blue Core4-Ext chip,follow v2.1 +EDR Bluetooth specification. The module supports UART,USB,SPI ,PCM SPDIF interface and support for the SPI Bluetooth serial protocol, low cost, small size, low power con
- 按照二维函数的特点和视觉机制,提出了用来捕捉纹理基元的纹理检测器函数,基于纹理检测器和扩展的小波变换,提出了基于能量分解的影像纹理多尺度分析方法,并按照神经动力学的侧抑制和端点抑制等理论,实现了对多尺度纹理特征的融合,这一多尺度分析方法直接将影像纹理能量在时间一尺度空间分解,包含了相位信息,避免了基于线性变换多尺度分解引起的能量与相位分离,为纹理分析提供了一个层次性的框架,有效提高了纹理的识别能力。-According to the characteristics of two-dimensio
- Video compression standards follow certain principles for frame identification based on Group of Pictures (GOP). It was observed that instead of following the pre-coded GOP, if frames are adaptively chosen based on simple matching criteria, further p
- Video compression standards follow certain principles for frame identification based on Group of Pictures (GOP). It was observed that instead of following the pre-coded GOP, if frames are adaptively chosen based on simple matching criteria, further p
- it is a lecture on the first and follow set-it is a lecture on the first and follow set
- You can download it http://www.alexfeinman.com/download.asp?doc=tapi1.1.zip. But please confirm for commerical use. Follow these steps. 1. Refer the Tapilib assembly ( the debug folder in the downloaded zip) 2. Add the namespace : using Ope
- Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are material handling system that uses independently operated, self-propelled vehicles guided along different pathways. For navigation AGVs use different kind of sensors for detecting the environment including lasers
- 漳浦县网站建设APP开发(http://zhangpu.yunhuweb.com )国内知名的网络建设公司,致力IT行业10多年,不仅拥有强大实战经验,还有非常敏锐的嗅觉,做到国际化建站,精准把控用户体验。互联网时代瞬息万变,只有跟随科技脚步,不断创新才能屹立不倒,这是我们公司的态度,同时也是传递给客户的一种态度。 图坦网络公司的服务范围:企业网站建设、手机网站定制开发、软件/APP定制开发、微信网站定制开发、微信公众号开发。图坦网络多年来在行业中广受好评,在这背后支撑的是我们不顾