- This paper presents a steganography method based on an embedded zerotree wavelet compression scheme and bitplane complexity segmentation steganography.The proposed steganography enables us to use lossy compressed images as dummy files in bit-plan
- 针对雾天户外图像的退化现象,提出了一种基于大气模型的完全自适应的图像清晰化方法 -For fog outdoor image degradation, based on atmospheric models of fully adaptive image is clear
- 基于模拟方法的水下图像复原:采用模板、离焦模糊和大气湍流干扰3 种退化模型模拟散射过程, 对水下图像进行复原. 试验表明, 模拟方法可行, 复原图像质量有明显改善, 可为水下图像散射退化机理研究提供参考.-Three deg radation models such as template hypo thesis,defocus blur and at mospheric turbulence interference were used to simulate scattering pro
- 对提高可见光通信传输速率的研究,并提出了使用LDPC编码来降低干扰。-In order to increase a transmission rate, the transmitter is composed of plural LEDs and sends digital information by independently controlling brightness of them, which is called parallel transmissions. The r
- 提出了一种基于雾气遮罩减除的图像去雾算 法。首先对降质图像平滑滤波以估计其亮度分量,对亮度分量求均值得到均匀分布的雾气遮罩,并结合退 化图像获取与场景深度信息相关的雾气遮罩。在对数域中从降质图像中减除获得的雾气遮罩,即可得到 场景的反射图像。对反射图像进行自适应的对比度拉伸,可以得到最终的去雾结果。-Proposed algorithm based on the image to fog mist mask subtraction. First, the degraded im