- 随着计算机技术和国际互联网的飞速发展,包括图像在内的各种多媒体数据的数量正以惊人的速度增长,人们很容易在多媒体信息海洋中迷失方向,如何从中有效地检索有用信息是一个很关键和迫切的问题。本文回顾了图像检索技术的发展状况,阐述了基于内容的图像检索的关键技术,结合认知心理学模型和智能科学技术,重点探讨了未来图像检索的发展方向和技术路线。 -with computer technology and the Internet's rapid development, include images o
- 是一篇介绍图像处理的好文章,主要是一种利用颜色信息的车牌字符分割新算法!文章介绍的方法新颖,值得一看!学学!-is an image processing on the excellent article, A major use of color information of license plates segmentation algorithm! The article introduces the novel method, an eye-catcher! learn!
- 缩包的内容包括:1.有关JPEG和DPCM算法的文章;2.实现其算法的压缩程序3.有关图像压缩方面的资料-shrinking package contents include : 1. DPCM the JPEG algorithm and the article; 2. achieve its compression algorithm procedures 3. Image compression of the information
- 主要讲解剪切波最新有关的资料或论文,其用于图像处理方面的应用,The main shear-wave on the latest relevant information or thesis, and its used for image processing applications
- 一种基于方向信息的鲁棒型Hausdorff距离匹配方法。该方法采用方向信息提取图 像边缘,通过计算边缘匹配率( edge matching rate, EMR)获得候选匹配区域,然后采用修正后的Hausdorff距离构造 相似性测度。实验结果表明,该方法加快了匹配过程,提高了抗噪性能,并能够准确匹配含有遮挡和伪边缘点的图 像,从而解决了基于传统Hausdorff距离匹配方法因噪声点、伪边缘点和出格点而造成的误匹配问题。-Based on the direction of inform
- 这里是关于图像处理之机器学习方面的资料--AdaBoost,自适应boosting. 非常经典的资料-Here is on image processing of machine learning information- AdaBoost, adaptive boosting. Very classical information
- The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all
- -The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all
- In computer vision, sets of data acquired by sampling the same scene or object at different times, or from different perspectives, will be in different coordinate systems. Image registration is the process of transforming the different sets of data
- 本文提出了一种新的基于对模型的分块直方图求交互信息量的镜头检测算法。算法中对每帧图象 进行分块求直方图, 然后利用相邻帧间对应分块的直方图统计值求交互信息量, 最后把所有分块的交互信息量进行 加权平均以检测镜头的变化。实验结果表明与传统的直方图相比, 该算法对一般场景的镜头变化有更高的查全率和 查准率。-This paper presents a new model based on the sub-block histogram information for cross-dete
- Feature extraction is a key issue in contentbased image retrieval (CBIR). In the past, a number of texture features have been proposed in literature, including statistic methods and spectral methods. However, most of them are not able to accu
- 针对现有的图像复制遮盖篡改检测算法需要某些先验信息、对后处理操作失效且计算量大等问题, 借鉴图像匹配技术中的SIFT(scale invariant feature transform)特征匹配算法,首次提出将其用于检测复制 遮盖的篡改操作。 -Cover the existing image copy for tamper detection algorithm needs some prior information on the calculation of post-proc
- AAA基于最大特征点对互信息量的一种新的算法研究,理论分析和实验结果表明,该算法对图像间的旋转角度没有限制, 配准精度高而且计算量较小. -AAA feature points based on the maximum mutual information of a new algorithm, theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the algorithm for image rotation between
- 二维码 (2-dimensional bar code) 是用某种特定的几何图形按一定规律在平面(二维方向上)分布的黑白相间的图形记录数据符号信息的;在代码编制上巧妙地利用构成计算机内部逻辑基础的“0”、“1”比特流的概念,使用若干个与二进制相对应的几何形体来表示文字数值信息,通过图象输入设备或光电扫描设备自动识读以实现信息自动处理: 二维条码/二维码能够在横向和纵向两个方位同时表达信息,因此能在很小的面积内表达大量的信息。-Two-dimensional code (2-dimensional
- 提出一种用于电子稳像技术改进的代表点匹配算法。通过合理的划分区域,保证在 域内各点运动的一致性,利用代表点匹配算法确定各区域内的运动矢量,并把其代入变换模型可得关于旋转、平移和变焦等信息的线性方程组,求其方程的解得全局运动矢量-Proposed for improved electronic image stabilization representative point matching algorithm. Through reasonable zoning, ensure the cons
- Image Stitching 资料。介绍了如何使用最流行的图像拼接软件。-Image Stitching information. Describes how to use the most popular image stitching software.
- Due to the reliance on the textual information associated with an image, image search engines on the Web lack the discriminative power to deliver visually diverse search results.
- 提出了一种基于雾气遮罩减除的图像去雾算 法。首先对降质图像平滑滤波以估计其亮度分量,对亮度分量求均值得到均匀分布的雾气遮罩,并结合退 化图像获取与场景深度信息相关的雾气遮罩。在对数域中从降质图像中减除获得的雾气遮罩,即可得到 场景的反射图像。对反射图像进行自适应的对比度拉伸,可以得到最终的去雾结果。-Proposed algorithm based on the image to fog mist mask subtraction. First, the degraded im
- image match using in engineering and get information from object
- Information hiding Using Image decomposing