Review of current short/medium range wireless
standards and expected challenges for future systems
• Introduction to Ultra-wideband (UWB) Technology
– What is it?
– Possible benefits and challenges
• Performance example of M-PAM a
Multicarrier modulations attract a lot of attention ranging from wireline to wireless
communications compared to single carrier modulation because of theirs capability to
efficiently cope with frequency selective fading channels. Much of attentio
目前,移动机器人具有很大的开发空间。无线控制成为移动机器人必不可少的控制方式。机器人的机械结构决定了移动机器人的功能,由此来确定合适的驱动系统。再利用强抗干扰能力的无线收发一体传输MODEM模块PTR2000芯片,通过单片机对机器人关节步进电机和驱动电机进行控制,实现了数据的无线传输,来控制机器人的运作。-Currently, the mobile robot has large space for development. Wireless control essential for mobi
In this paper, we address a new unexplored problem
- what are the optimal patterns to achieve connected coverage in
wireless networks with directional antennas. As their name implies,
directional antennas can focus their transmission energy in
Abstract—In this paper we propose the channel assignment
scheme for multi-channel wireless mesh network (WMN), where
each mesh router is equipped with multiple radio interfaces. In
real WMN the number of radio interfaces is much higher than