- 中科院自动化所博士论文。本论文是与实际的应用项目紧密相关的。在课题进行期间,笔者负责了S60和S80两款注塑机控制器主机软、硬件的设计开发工作,并组织了批量生产。截止到目前为止,共销售注塑机控制器上百套,安装在了以宁波市为中心的多个地区的十多个厂家中。其中最早的原理样机已经在工业现场不间断运行了3年之久,历经了高、低温和潮湿环境的考验,充分证明了产品的可靠性。-Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences doctoral dissert
- 基于LSVM(Lagrangian Support Vector Machine)分类算法分析,设计了通用的银行个人信用特征数据-Based LSVM (Lagrangian Support Vector Machine) classification algorithm analysis, design of the common features of personal credit data bank
- 随着科学技术的发展,社会进步,计算机迅速的发展,仓库管理的方法也日新月异,以前全是由人管理的方法现存在很多的缺点:管理效率低,劳动强度大,信息处理速度低而且准确率也不够令人满意。为了提高仓库管理效率,减轻劳动强度提高,信息处理速度和准确性;为仓库管理员提供更方便、科学的服务项目。为仓库管理员提供的一种更先进、科学的服务系统。于是我们便选择了由计算机来设计一个仓库管理系统的方案。让计算机对仓库进行自动管理,仓库管理员可以直接在计算机上实现仓库的信息管理,并能在一定程度上实现自动化。我们在现行系统初
- 关于虚拟机缓存划分的设计与实现。是研究成果-Design and Implementation of the virtual machine cache by
- 联轴器属于机械通用零部件范畴,用来联接不同机构中的两根轴(主动轴和从动轴)使之共同旋转以传递扭矩的机械零件。在高速重载的动力传动中,有些联轴器还有缓冲、减振和提高轴系动态性能的作用。联轴器由两半部分组成,分别与主动轴和从动轴联接。一般动力机大都借助于联轴器与工作机相联接,是机械产品轴系传动最常用的联接部件。20世纪后期国内外联轴器产品发展很快,在产品设计时如何从品种甚多、性能各异的各种联轴器中选用能满足机器要求的联轴器,对多数设计人员来讲,始终是一个困扰的问题。-General Machine
- This project describes the problem of facial expression recognition in the field of computer vision. Firstly, the psychological background of the problem is presented. Then, the idea of facial expression recognition system (FERS) is outlined and the
- This project describes the problem of facial expression recognition in the field of computer vision. Firstly, the psychological background of the problem is presented. Then, the idea of facial expression recognition system (FERS) is outlined and the
- Face recognition has been one of the most interesting and important research fields in the past two decades. The reasons come the need of automatic recognitions and surveillance systems, the interest in human visual system on face recognition, and th
- Reading text photographs is a challenging problem that has received a significant amount of attention. Two key components of most systems are (i) text detection from images and (ii) character recognition, and many recent methods have been pro