- 详细介绍无线多跳adhoc网络的PPT.包括网络中的MAC层和路由层介绍、常用的协议算法,存在的问题,TCP与UDP协议性能比较,安全问题等,有助于了解Ad hoc网络的概况 -Details of the wireless multi-hop adhoc networks PPT. Including the network MAC layer and routing layer descr iption of the protocol algorithm used, problems,
- 对偶密钥技术的采用使无线传感器网络通信的安全性得到保障。对偶密钥中的动态密钥路径的应用又进一 步提高无线传感器网络通信的可靠性。利用层次超立方体模刑中节点编码的特性及其高容错性,提出了基于局 部弱连通性概念的簇内动态密钥路径和基于位置信息的簇间动态密钥路径的两类算法。-Security schemes of pair wise key establishment ensure communication security in wireless sensor networks.Dynamic
- security in wireless sensor networks and agent based papers
- Wireless Embedded Systems (WEBs) has attracted significant interest in recent years, for instance, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), have recently been in the limelight for many domains. The characteristics of WEBs have imposed various restrictions on
- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have recently been in the limelight for many domains. WSN are useful in data collection, event detection or entity tracking applications. The characteristics of sensor networks have imposed various restrictions on their
- Dear members this are new IEEE papers 2013 based on cloud computing, networking, security, wireless sensor networks.-Dear members this are new IEEE papers 2013 based on cloud computing, networking, security, wireless sensor networks.
- 无线广域网、无线城域网、无线局域网、无线个域网、无线体域网等无线网络 的基本特点,然后从无线网络的开放性、移动性、动态变化以及传输信号的不稳定性和终端设备等方面比较 了无线网络安全和有线网络安全的区别,最后提出并详细解释了解决无线网络安全问题的一般思路。-This article firstly introduces basic characteristics of various wireless networks, such as wireless wide area netwo
- 传感器网络安全现状、面临的安全挑战及其需要解决的安全问题。-The current situations of sensor network security, the security challenges and the security problems were pre- sented.
- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is vulnerable to node capture attacks in which an attacker can capture one or more sensor nodes and reveal all stored security information which enables him to compromise a part of the WSN communications. Due to lar