C programming language VC + + operating system, materials management program-C programming language VC++ Operating system, materials management program
This is a guide to designing and programming embedded systems to com-
municate in local Ethernet networks and on the Internet.
An embedded system is a device that has computer intelligence and is dedi-
cated to performing a single task, or a gr
双馈风力发电机是一个复杂的多变量非线性系统,利用Matlab软件中的S函数编程建立双馈风力发电机模型,并通过仿真验证了其正确性。-Wind Generator is a complex multi-variable nonlinear system, Matlab, S-function software programming model for the establishment of double-fed wind generator, and simulation results sho
Hacking (English verb to hack, singular noun a hack) refers to the re-configuring or re-programming of a system to function in ways not facilitated by the owner, administrator, or designer. The term(s) have several related meanings in the technology
“MFC的前言”曾经辉煌一时的编程语言工具开发软件商Borland公司在今年4月份更名为Inprise公司,对于广大忠实的Borland追随者来说,这可不是一个好消息。在Dos编程时代Turbo Pascal,Borland C++是最好的开发工具,Borland公司也曾名列美国五大软件公司之列,可到了Windows时代,微软凭借操作系统的优势终于占了统治地位,Borland的大批人员也跳槽加入了微软(Borland Delphi的主设计师成了Microsoft Visual J++的项目负责人
运用Vc抖和Open Inventor的三维API,对数控铣削仿真系统的编程实现进行研究。首先j
9通过VRML接口实现毛坯和刀具模型的导入,并结合数据库技术完成代码解析和插补计算,最后运用SolidViz模块快速的进行布尔运算并实现动态切削显示。-Programming of NC milling simul~ion system is studied,using Vc++and Open Inventor 3D API.First,realize the import of blanks
In the introduction to the first edition of this book, I explained my fascination with the
Intel 8048 microcontroller. I first discovered this device when I was looking at the first
IBM Personal Computer’s schematics. While the PC’s schematic its
随着现代科学技术的迅猛发展,计算机技术已渗透到各个领域,成为各行业必不可少的工具。在当今激烈的市场竞争中,让顾客享受既实惠又快捷的购物服务是商战中制胜的一大要素。改革开放的今天,各种大型超市林立,超市已成为消费者日常活动的主要场所。而超市商品也非常之多,建立一套方便快捷的超市收费系统是企业必然要解决的一个问题。系统采用的编程工具是Delphi 7.0版本与Access作为数据库。-With the rapid development of modern science and technolog
Embedded Flash File System
Implementation Guide
This guide is intended for use by embedded software engineers who have should have a knowl edge of the C programming language, standard file API s who wish to implement
计算机操作系统实验技术文章,主要是对于操作系统的高级调度,作业调度问题进行实验编程模拟,用于实现对作业调度的了解。-Computer operating system, experiment technical articles, mainly for the operating system' s advanced scheduling, job scheduling issues to experiment with programming simulation, is used to
Security system "Dunaj" service manual (installation, programming, notes)
本系统基于DMS电信服务需求为主要研究背景,采用C/S架构,和C++程序设计,系统服务器端采用Socket通信,和Unix多线程程序设计,完成并实现了以Unix作为后台服务器的电信服务管理系统。-The system based on the demand for telecommunications services in DMS as the main research background, the use of C/S architecture, and C++ programming,
Distributed Generators (DGs) in a microgrid may operate in three different reactive power control strategies, including PV, PQ and voltage droop schemes. This paper proposes a new stochastic programming approach for reactive power scheduling of a mic
The changes to UNIX programming that have taken place since 1985 are extensive to say the least. The first edition of Advanced UNIX Programming is still used and considered to be a must have book on any UNIX programmer s shelf. With this new edition
关于电力系统负荷预测用matlab语言编程方面的论文。-About power system load forecasting matlab language programming papers.
Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are material handling system that uses independently operated, self-propelled vehicles guided along different pathways. For navigation AGVs use different kind of sensors for detecting the environment including lasers
This Senior Project Final Report.This project aims to fulfill their needs by designing and implementing a wireless telemetry system that can relay data between the formula car
and the pit crew in a fast and reliable manner.(By using Atmel and VBasi