- giniTree.cpp and giniTree.hpp will train a decision tree using the gini index to determine split attributes and split points
- 介绍了一种常用的Kim目标分割方法,并 针对其不足,对Kim方法进行了改进,将连续两帧的差分图像和背景差分图像直接相乘得到灰度图 像,然后对该灰度图像进行阈值分割来获取目标区域模板,再基于灰度加权图像模板匹配法实现目标 跟踪 -A common Kim target segmentation, and for its shortcomings, Kim method improvements, the two consecutive frames of the different
Enhanced Branch and Price and Cut for Vehicle Routing with Split Deliveries and Time Windows
- In this paper, we study the split delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows (SDVRPTW) that is a variant of the well-known vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW), where each customer can be served by more than one vehicle. We propo